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Benton Home

Notices as of February 24, 2025

  • Customer Service: Customer service counters are open to the public for regular business. The court maintains a secure drop box on the 1st floor of the courthouse for in-person filings. Court staff are available to provide assistance by calling 541-243-7850.
  • Exhibits: All exhibits for remote hearings must be submitted in electronic format at least 48 hours prior to a scheduled hearing. Please read the Instructions for submitting electronic exhibits for more information.
  • New Parenting Plan Forms: As of May 1, 2024, new Parenting Plan Forms have been added to the Family Law Unit Website
Your Opinion Matters! OJD is interested in hearing from you about your court experience.  Please complete an anonymous survey at

Contact & Location Information

Map highlighting Benton County

Main Telephone

Main Fax

 Courthouse Hours
8am - Noon; 1pm - 5pm Mon-Fri
The courthouse is closed on legal holidays

 ADA Contact
Chris Westfall

 Trial Court Administrator
Chris Westfall

 Main Address
Benton County Courthouse
120 NW 4th Street
Corvallis, OR, 97330

 Mailing Address
Benton County Circuit Court
120 NW 4th Street
Corvallis, OR, 97330

Picture of the Benton courthouse

The State of Oregon has 36 different counties which are divided into 27 judicial districts. The Benton County Circuit Court is the 21st Judicial District within the Oregon Judicial Branch of government and is located in Corvallis, Oregon. Our role is to resolve disputes according to the law, and process other legal transactions, as allowed by law. We cover the geographical area of Benton County although we are not part of county government. Our court has 3 elected Circuit Court Judge positions that each serve six-year terms.
  • Honorable Joan E. Demarest
  • Honorable Matthew J. Donohue
  • Honorable Keri J. Smith
*The land the courthouse occupies was donated to the county by Joseph and Martha Avery and William and Julia Dixon, co-founders of the town first known as Marysville and later named Corvallis. The Benton County Courthouse, designed by Portland architect Delos D. Neer, was built in 1888-1889.  Its style is consistent with the Italianate architecture popular at the time.   The total cost of the project, including furnishings, was less than $70,000. The Circuit Court, with Judge R.S. Bean presiding, sat in its first session in the new courthouse on November 4, 1889. The Benton County Courthouse was designated an Oregon Historic Site in 1968 and is the oldest courthouse in Oregon still serving its original purpose.
*This material was derived from a publication titled "The Flight of Time," that was prepared to celebrate the Courthouse Centennial Celebration.