You have received this text message hearing notification from the Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) because your phone number is associated with an Oregon Circuit Court or Oregon Tax Court case. This does not include cases before any federal court, the Oregon Court of Appeals, the Oregon Supreme Court, local justice or municipal courts, or administrative hearings.
Respond “NO” to any text received from the Oregon Judicial Department to stop receiving text notifications for that case.
Your phone number may be associated with other Oregon Circuit Court or Oregon Tax Court cases where you are a party and it is possible that your phone number could be associated with future cases where you are a party. To ensure you will receive text notifications for all current and future cases, or to ask if you will receive text message hearing notifications for your other court cases, contact the court where those cases are filed. Court contact information can be found at
Text message hearing notifications are for your convenience only. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of your court dates and attend court at the scheduled date and time. OJD is not responsible for technical problems. You may be subject to default or other consequences if you do not attend a scheduled court appearance, regardless of whether you receive a text message court hearing reminder.
Notify your local court if your phone number changes. Your phone number may become publicly available as part of the case record. You can access most case record information at no cost at
https://webportal.courts.oregon.gov/portal/. You can also access public case records and documents at any county courthouse.
Standard text message and data rates may apply.
Note: If you were previously ordered to provide your mailing address to the court, this is not a substitute for updating your mailing address with the court.