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Office of the State Court Administrator

Front of Supremem Court Building

The Office of the State Court Administrator (OSCA) oversees Oregon's statewide, state-funded court system. OSCA promotes efficient, statewide improvement and supports local courts in responding to community and statewide needs.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is the administrative head of the Oregon Judicial Department – a statewide, unified court system with almost 200 judges and more than 1600 full and part-time staff. The Chief Justice appoints the State Court Administrator who serves as OJD's chief administrative officer. The State Court Administrator is a position created by statute. The State Court Administrator assists the Chief Justice in supervising the state courts, by setting out the statewide personnel and administrative rules and policies that courts must follow as being part of a unified state court system.

The Appellate Court Services Division (ACSD) has two sections: the Appellate Court Records Section (ACRS) and the State of Oregon Law Library (SOLL). 

ACRS processes all case documents for the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals, including petitions, appeals, motions, briefs, notices, and correspondence; and manages appellate transcript filing, calendars oral arguments, administrative orders, appellate judgments, and appellate archives.

SOLL is the principal legal research center for Oregon appellate and trial courts, Tax Court, executive agencies, and Oregon citizens. It is open to the public without charge and provides services to lawyers and pro se patrons. The library publishes bound appellate opinions and continues to develop its digital collections that include full text search of Oregon Attorney General Public Records Orders from 1981-2015; and Oregon Appellate Court Briefs and Opinions, with briefs dating back to March 2005 and opinions dating back to 1998.

BFSD​ manages the state court system’s finances and ensures that internal controls effectively safeguard state assets. The division:
  • Prepares and administers the budget
  • Prepares financial reports
  • Oversees internal controls
  • Collects and disburses court revenues, including filing and other court fees, fines, restitution, and assessments
  • Processes payments, including preauditing invoices
  • Coordinates purchasing
  • Coordinates risk management
  • Manages the state court system’s fixed assets​

Court Language Access Services (CLAS) coordinates interpreting services in Oregon circuit courts for people with limited English proficiency in more than 180 languages and for the hearing impaired. To provide interpreting in most judicial districts statewide, the Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) employs schedulers and full-time Oregon Certified Spanish and ASL interpreters and contracts with freelance interpreters. CLAS also offers training and consulting on best practices and on working with interpreters to Oregon circuit courts and judicial system partners. Quality interpreting and administrative efficiency are ensured through coordination between CLAS and the circuit courts.
CLAS trains interpreters of all languages in the Code of Professional Responsibility for Oregon Court Interpreters, court ethics and protocols. Over 100 interpreters of Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, and other languages are currently certified or registered through the OJD/CLAS Certification and Training Program. CLAS maintains a roster of Oregon Certified and Registered Court Interpreters on the OJD website for those who wish to verify an interpreter’s credential or to hire a certified or registered interpreter for out-of-court work.
Per ORS 45.275​ no fee shall be charged to any limited English proficient person for the appointment of an interpreter. Court interpreting in circuit court shall be paid by the state.

Mission Statement: Court Language Access Services works to continuously improve fair and equitable linguistic access to Oregon's State Courts. CLAS provides trained ethical interpreters and translators, educates and supports the court community, and manages resources responsibly. We foster an environment that is equitable, diverse, and inclusive. We are committed to building a workplace that promotes the wellbeing of our staff and customers.​







ETSD provides electronic access to state court systems for OJD, state agencies, city and county agencies, businesses, and the public. It also provides technology support to OJD administration and the courts; provides Help Desk services for business partners and the public; facilitates OJD's data and communications infrastructure; acquires, maintains, and supports software and hardware components; develops and delivers case management and software training; develops solutions and enhances services using technology; maintains OJD's website and works with vendors to provide public access to online information and eServices, including eFiling, ePay, and online interactive forms; develops technology-related business processes for the courts and OSCA divisions; and supports OJD's internal website and SharePoint site for OJD judges and staff.​

ESD is the central administrative and governance division for the Office of the State Court Administrator (OSCA). The division is comprised of legal staff, analysts, and administrative support staff who provide executive coordination and direct OJD services for: the overall administration of OJD, state agencies, the Legislature, the public, and external organizations. 

Administrative support​ staff provide office reception and assistance duties; prepare official OJD and OSCA documents and communications; and manage OJD policy databases and information distribution systems. 

Legal staff and analysts review and respond to public inquiries, records requests, and a wide range of general media inquiries and issues. They also coordinate data, fiscal, and legal services for OJD's legislative and intergovernmental relations activities; and oversee or support OJD administrative, civil, criminal law, and ADA policies and procedures. ESD staff support Judicial Conduct and Uniform Trial Court Rules committees and manage the statewide judicial pro tempore program and senior judge services.

HRSD provides the Oregon Judicial Branch with a full-service personnel program supporting the entire statewide Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) workforce of judges and staff in circuit, appellate, Tax Court, and OSCA to ensure that OJD meets its statutory obligations as an employer; ensures consistent administration and compliance with the Chief Justice's statewide personnel system, personnel policies, rules and records; delivers employee education and professional development; and oversees an efficient and accurate payroll and benefit system. 

The Office of Internal Audit (OIA) provides independent and objective assurance and consulting services.  The OIA helps promote accountability and ​examines and evaluates OJD’s internal control functions and activities.  The OIA reports to the Chief Justice, the State Court Administrator (SCA), and an internal audit committee, whic​h approves the annual audit plan and reviews quarterly progress and updates.  The OIA performs change-of-management audits, financial-related audits, annual OJD-wide and specific area risk assessments, and reviews of internal controls of central administration and court operations.  Audit scope frequently includes assessments and recommendations pertaining to opportunities for improving operational effectiveness, economy, and efficiency.  The OIA provides a hotline number for reporting of fraud or misuse of funds.  The OIA further serves as an OJD liaison with external audit entities, such as the Secretary of State’s Audit Division.  OIA also includes the Conservatorship Audit Program (CAP) that is designed to assist courts in assessing and reviewing conservatorship case filings.  This includes establishing processes for circuit courts to review conservatorship accounting filings, providing training, and performing audits on the most complex cases.  The CAP can be reached at 503-986-5445​ or

JFCPD includes the Citizen Review Board (CRB), Family Law Program, and the Juvenile Court Improvement Program (JCIP), providing the courts with information through case reports of children and youth in foster care; statewide management of Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) grants and related education and support for judges and staff; statewide management of Oregon JCIP grants and related education and support for judges, staff, and stakeholders; support for statewide committees and task forces involved in juvenile and family court matters; and support and technical assistance for a variety of statewide efforts related to family law self-representation, child support, probate, guardianship, conservatorship, and protective proceedings matters.

The Office of General Counsel provides services to all state trial and appellate courts and judges, the State Court Administrator, and OSCA divisions, offices, and programs. Services include: legal advice, research, and analysis on issues of court administration and the state court system; litigation and tort claim management and representation coordination; negotiation, review, development of legal contract terms for state court system contracts; circuit court fee civil schedule and the related Chief Justice Orders (CJOs); OJD legislative bill review, analysis, and implementation; and judge and employee education on legal topics. General Counsel services advance statewide uniformity in judicial administration by providing consistent legal advice, minimizing Judicial Branch liability risks, and enhancing responsible resource management by ensuring compliance with statutory and constitutional requirements.

Pursuant to ORS 1.177 and 1.180, and at the direction of the Chief Justice, the Oregon Judicial Department (OJD) Marshal's Office manages personal and physical security, emergency preparedness and business continuity for the Oregon Judiciary. Marshal's Office manages facility evacuation for the Appellate and Tax Courts and the Office of the State Court Administrator (OSCA). Marshal's Office also manages the OJD Emergency Response Trailers. These programs are in direct support of the OJD mission to provide fair and accessible justice services that protect the rights of individuals, preserve community welfare, and inspire public confidence.

Our mailing address is:
Judicial Department
Supreme Court Building
Attn: Marshal's Office
1163 State St.
Salem, OR 97301-2562

We are located at:
Oregon Justice Building
3rd Floor, Rm. 336
1162 Court St.
Salem, OR

We can be reached at:

​Judicial Marshal Profiling Complaint Form

Our State Court Administrator (SCA) is responsible for making the Judicial Department work day-to-day. The SCA oversees all administrative and executive operations of the state trial and appellate courts, the indigence verification program, and the foster care review program and carries out these responsibilities through the eleven divisions and programs described above. Division directors report directly to the SCA.

Information & Resources

OJD Administrative Structure (PDF)

Oregon Public Defense Commission (OPDC)


 Records Requests

The Office of the State Court Administrator has a policy and request form to help people request public records and to help state court staff provide public records. To request Public Records, click on the button below. 

Obtain Public Records


 Contact Us

Nancy Cozine
State Court Administrator
Supreme Court Building
1163 State Street
Salem, OR 97301-2563

Phone: 503-986-5500
Oregon Relay Service 711

Email: (Please do not use this email address for communication related to your court case, jury duty, payments, or other business at a specific court. Instead, contact that court directly. This email address is for questions about Oregon’s state court system.)