The appellate court requires all eTranscripts (electronically filed transcripts) to be filed with the correct naming convention.
The naming convention is a way for all eTranscripts to be organized and filed in a unified manner. Below are samples of the naming conventions for both Non-Confidential and Confidential cases.
File Naming Convention for Electronic Transcripts, Nonconfidential Cases:
[Appellate Case Number]_transcript-[year-month-day, of hearing-am/pm if appropriate]_[court reporter or transcriber last, first name]
Example: CA123456_transcript-2002-02-15-am_johnsonerin
If the transcript spans several dates, then the date span should be indicated, such as:
File Naming Convention for Electronic Transcripts, Confidential Cases (juvenile, adoption, civil commitment):
[Appellate Case Number]_transcript-confidentialcase-[year-month-day, of hearing-am/pm if appropriate]_[court reporter or transcriber last, first name]
Example: CA123456_transcript-confidentialcase-2002-02-15-am_johnsonerin