In Oregon, as long as paternity has been established, the laws on custody and parenting time are the same for both married and unmarried parents. The best interest of the child is the main focus in making decisions about custody and parenting time.
Parent Education Class (Required)
Parent education classes focus on how to help children adjust to a divorce or separation and/or living apart from a parent. These classes are required for parents with children involved in custody cases.
Mediation is a process that helps people in a family law case reach an agreement about some or all of their issues. Mediation is required in cases with children. More information about mediation can be found at Multnomah County Family Court Services at:
Family Court Services
Information about Mediation
Birth Through Three
If you have children under three, please review this information.
Birth through threeChild Support
Child support is money one parent pays the other parent to meet the needs of a child.
Information on Child Support
Child Support Information
The Oregon Child Support Program can often establish a child support award when a parent requests, even if no court case is pending or planned but paternity must always be established before child support can be ordered.
The Oregon Child Support Program also has the responsibility to enforce child support orders.
Modifying your current plan
Information on how to modify your child support, parenting time, or custody after your judgment and paperwork are final in your case.
Temporary Orders – Custody or Support
You can ask the court to make temporary orders after you file a case. If you already have a case you may also ask the court to make temporary orders. If you feel your child is in danger you may also ask for an Immediate Danger order.
Information on Temporary Custody OrdersHow to get help with your case
Prepare for Your Hearing
Video: Prepare for Your Hearing
Information about Custody and Parenting time
Parenting Class Waiver and UCCJEA Forms
Videos about Going to Court and the Court Process
Video: What to Expect at Court
Trial Assignment
Trial Assignment is a court proceeding in which a judge decides which family law cases scheduled for hearing the next court day are ready to proceed, how much time is needed for each hearing, and which judges have time available to hear those cases. The Trial Assignment Judge then assigns the cases and tells the parties what courtroom the case will be heard the next day.