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Treatment Courts

Treatment Courts are an alternative to normal case processing, aimed to address the recurring cycle of addiction, co-occurring disorders, criminal behavior, and court involvement. The programs are a collaboration of the State, Judicial Department, City, County and private partners. Each court program serves a specific set of case types and population of participants. The programs provide intensive supervision, support, and treatment for individuals who are ready to make a major life change. The goals of treatment courts are to reduce costs, decrease criminal recidivism, and enhance public safety. All of the programs follow best practices and guidelines for treatment courts as set forth by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) and the Criminal Justice Commission of Oregon (CJC).

​In accordance with the State of Oregon’s Justice Reinvestment Initiative, Multnomah County’s public safety partners designed this program to reduce the use of state prisons for offenders who can be supervised safely in the community. MCJRP uses an innovative, data-driven approach to evaluate offenders before their cases are resolved. The evaluation not only identifies which offenders can be supervised safely in the community, but also develops a case plan to meet that offender’s specific needs by providing the structure, supervision and services necessary for success in the community.

​START’s Mission Statement: To improve the overall quality of life in our community by providing a court-supervised program for high risk and high need individuals that will enhance public safety, reduce crime, provide accountability, substance abuse treatment, and integrated mental health care; reduce costs to our community, and ultimately transform these individuals into positive, contributing members of our community.

START Court is one of Multnomah County’s adult drug court programs. START is an intensive supervision program for individuals suffering with substance use disorder(s) and associated mental health conditions, who would have otherwise been sentenced to prison. The program works in collaboration with the Multnomah County Circuit Court, District Attorney’s Office, Sherriff’s Office, Department of Community Justice, Metropolitan Public Defender, and Volunteers of America.

START Court Referral Packet

START Participant Handbook

Spanish START Participant Handbook​

The DUII Supervision Program (DISP) is a treatment court probation that works with high risk, repeat DUII defendants.  Participants enter the program voluntarily after meeting with the team and completing an interview and assessment.  Participants attend treatment where they address substance use issues and address any other issues that result in repeatedly continuing to drive while impaired.  Participants have frequent contact with all team members; Judge, Case Manager, Treatment, Probation, Deputy District Attorney and the Defense Attorney.   The goal is for people to return to the community healthy and able to manage their lives without substance use.  Participants are required to attend treatment and submit to alcohol and drug monitoring.  Participants who fully engage in treatment and self-help groups find that they have a better quality of life and make for a safer, happier community.   DISP encourages participation by suspending fines, decreasing jail time where possible and working with a team to develop agreed upon goals to obtain and maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle.  ​

DISP Orientation

DISP Handbook

DISP Handbook (Spanish)

DISP probation conditions​

DISP Eligibility Criteria

​​DISP Court Flyer​

The Multnomah County Mental Health Court is a specialized treatment court designed to reduce criminal activity committed by persons suffering from a qualifying mental health diagnosis. Once accepted into Mental Health Court, the participant is assigned to a Mental Health Case Manager. The case manager works with the participant on issues such as housing, medication management, health care appointments, and transportation.

Participants are expected to stay free of drugs and alcohol, to meet regularly with their assigned case manager and probation officer, to take all prescribed medication, pay restitution to victims, keep all appointments with service providers and obey all laws. It takes a minimum of one year to complete Mental Health Court.  Successful participants are often able to shorten the length of their probationary period.

Mental Health Court Information

​STEP was created to offer participation in a well-resourced, highly structured supervised probation for individuals charged with certain Ballot Measure 11 offenses for whom treatment, rather than long-term incarceration, seems the best way to promote durable public safety. STEP eligible charges are Assault I and Robbery I.

STEP leverages the specialty court model to address the behavioral, clinical, and social needs of participants.

Oregon Specialty Court Standards​

Historically, specialty courts serve only high risk/high need participants. STEP recognized the need to expand access. To do this, STEP crafted a quadrant system that serves any combination of low or high risk/needs.

All quadrants come with expectations and access to the same menu of services and supports. How much depends on the individual's assessed risk and need.

  • Services and supports include but not limited to: Regular status hearings, supervision, behavioral health treatment, adaptive habilitation, pro-social habilitation, mentorship, and culturally responsive services. ​

STEP Participant Handbook​