Mediation is a process that provides an opportunity for people in conflict to reach a mutually satisfying resolution with the help of an impartial third party, the mediator. Mediation is voluntary and confidential. A mediator is trained to help people resolve disputes. The mediator is neutral, does not take one side or the other, and does not make decisions for the parties. The mediator helps parties communicate by listening to both parties and helping them listen to each other so that they can agree on mutually acceptable solutions. A mediator will help parties reach and draft their own agreements.
For more information on the court-connection mediation program please visit
Rules Center – and select Court-Connected Mediator Qualifications.
For a roster of mediators in the Sixth Judicial District (Morrow and Umatilla Counties) who have experience in general civil; probate; domestic relations custody and parenting; and domestic relations financial issues, please refer to the Court-Connected Mediators list. These mediators have met the requirements of
Chief Justice Order No. 05-028, defining the requisite training and experience for designation as a court-connected mediator. The roster is provided as a service to the public, to help members of the public locate a mediator to help them resolve conflicts in the applicable field. Inclusion on this roster does not constitute a recommendation by the court. Link to roster of approved mediators (with each name further linked to individual applications).
If you are filing a contract, tort, small claims, landlord tenant (evictions) or compensation for wrongful death case, you must serve the respondent with the ORS 36.185 Notice along with your claim or complaint.
Court-Connected Mediators
Nothing under this category at this point
Nothing under this category at this point
Nothing under this category at this point
Arbitration is a legal procedure, much like a trial by a judge or a jury. The arbitrator hears the evidence and makes a decision, instead of a judge or a jury. Like a judge, an arbitrator makes rulings on motions, enters orders, and may impose penalties on a party who does not comply with the arbitrator’s orders. A list of eligible arbitrators are established and maintained pursuant to
UTCR 13.090 and is available at the Court Administration Office.
Oregon Statutes 36.400 through 36.425 and
Uniform Trial Court Rules Chapter 13, both Civil and Family cases may be eligible for arbitration. A civil case is eligible for a mandatory arbitration if the initial amount sought for damages is less than $50,000. Parties in family law cases must participate in arbitration if the dispute does not involve custody or support.
How does arbitration work?
Once a case is determined to be arbitration eligible, the court sends the parties a list of available arbitrators. The parties then have 21 days to notify the Court of arbitrator selection from the list or stipulate to an arbitrator not listed. If the parties do not agree on the arbitrator selection, the court will assign the arbitrator pursuant to
UTCR 13.080.
Once appointed, the arbitrator sets the time, date, and place of the hearing and notifies the parties in compliance with
ORS 36.420. Per
UTCR 13.160, parties are required to pay arbitration and, except for good cause shown, the arbitration hearing must be scheduled and take place not later than 49 days from the date an arbitrator is assigned to the case. An arbitrator is required to render a decision within 42 days of the hearing date under
UTCR 13.220. If an appeal is desired of an arbitrator’s decision, a party must file an appeal of the arbitration award within 20 days of the arbitrator’s decision and appropriate trial fee as required under
UTCR 13.250 and
ORS 36.425. The non-prevailing party may be required to pay the prevailing party’s share of the arbitration fees.
Can an arbitrator decision be appealed?
If either side does not want to accept the arbitrator’s decision then usually the case may go back before a court ( judge or jury) for a decision, or to the court for enforcement. With statutory arbitration, a party wishing to appeal the arbitration award must do so within 20 days after the arbitration award is filed with the court. The case then goes to trial, known as trial de novo.
Court Approved Arbitrators
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
Bendixsen, Kurt C.
| 541-571-2199
| 1575 S. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97850
| 881588
| $250.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Hill, Steven L
| 541-276-2900
| PO Box 339, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 933190
| $200.00
O'Hanlon, Timothy J
| 541-276-2811
| PO Box 628, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 873081
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
| Rate/Hourly
Bendixsen, Kurt C.
| 541-571-2199
| 1575 S. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97850
| 881588
| $250.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Hill, Steven L
| 541-276-2900
| PO Box 339, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 933190
| $200.00
O'Hanlon, Timothy J
| 541-276-2811
| PO Box 628, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 873081
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
| Rate/Hourly
Anderson, Bruce E
| 541-963-7705
| PO Box 1671, La Grande, OR 97850
| 821790
| $200.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
Anderson, Bruce E
| 541-963-7705
| PO Box 1671, La Grande, OR 97850
| 821790
| $200.00
Bendixsen, Kurt C.
| 541-571-2199
| 1575 S. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97850
| 881588
| $250.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Hill, Steven L
| 541-276-2900
| PO Box 339, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 933190
| $200.00
O'Hanlon, Timothy J
| 541-276-2811
| PO Box628, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 873081
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
| Rate/Hourly
Anderson, Bruce E
| 541-963-7705
| PO Box 1671, La Grande, OR 97850
| 821790
| $200.00
Bendixsen, Kurt C.
| 541-571-2199
| 1575 S. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97838
| 881588
| $250.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
Anderson, Bruce E
| 541-963-7705
| PO Box 1671, La Grande, OR 97850
| 821790
| $200.00
Bendixsen, Kurt C.
| 541-571-2199
| 1575 S. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97850
| 881588
| $250.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Hill, Steven L
| 541-276-2900
| PO Box 339, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 933190
| $200.00
O'Hanlon, Timothy J
| 541-276-2811
| PO Box 628, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 873081
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
| Rate/Hourly
Anderson, Bruce E
| 541-963-7705
| PO Box 1671, La Grande, OR 97850
| 821790
| $200.00
Bendixsen, Kurt C.
| 541-571-2199
| 1575 S. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97850
| 881588
| $250.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Hill, Steven L
| 541-276-2900
| PO Box 339, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 933190
| $200.00
O'Hanlon, Timothy J
| 541-276-2811
| PO Box 628, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 873081
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
| Rate/Hourly
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Hill, Steven L
| 541-276-2900
| PO Box 339, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 933190
| $200.00
O'Hanlon, Timothy J
| 541-276-2811
| PO Box 628, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 873081
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00
Attorney at Law
| Phone
Mailing Address
Bar Number
| Rate/Hourly
Anderson, Bruce E
| 541-963-7705
| PO Box 1671, La Grande, OR 97850
| 821790
| $200.00
Bendixsen, Kurt C.
| 541-571-2199
| 1575 S. 1st Street, Hermiston, OR 97850
| 881588
| $250.00
Hallman, Andrew
| 541-215-4810
| 132 SE Court, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 083480
| $200.00
Hill, Steven L
| 541-276-2900
| PO Box 339, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 933190
| $200.00
O'Hanlon, Timothy J
| 541-276-2811
| PO Box 628, Pendleton, OR 97801
| 873081
| $200.00
Wallace, Jeff
| 541-296-9900
| PO Box 2350, The Dalles, OR 97058
| 763730
| $200.00