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Small Claims Mediation

Mediation is a process that provides an opportunity for people in conflict to reach a mutually satisfying resolution with the help of an impartial third party, the mediator. Mediation is voluntary and confidential. A mediator is trained to help people resolve disputes. The mediator is neutral, does not take one side or the other, and does not make decisions for the parties. The mediator helps parties communicate by listening to both parties and helping them listen to each other so that they can agree on mutually acceptable solutions. A mediator will help parties reach and draft their own agreements.

For more information on the court-connection mediation program, please visit the Rules Center, and select Court-Connected Mediator Qualifications.

Washington County Circuit Court offers a small claims pre-trial mediation program that provides an opportunity for people in conflict to reach a mutually satisfying resolution with the help of an impartial third party, the mediator.

You are required to appear on the date and time set in the Notice of Hearing – Mediation. Failure to appear at the set time may result in your case being dismissed or a default judgment being entered against you.

There is a brief orientation to mediation and parties will meet with a mediator. The mediator remains impartial throughout the mediation process and does not give legal advice or make decisions for the parties. The mediator helps both sides try to understand the other’s perspective and assist in determining if there is sufficient common ground to allow the parties to reach a resolution that will be written up as an agreement and become part of the court record.

​If an agreement cannot be reached, or if either party chooses not to participate in mediation after listening to the orientation, a trial will be scheduled for a later date. Parties will be noticed by mail of their in-person trial date.

  • ​In mediation, you control the outcome of your case, rather than turning the conflict over to a judge to decide
  • Mediation gives you more time to address the issues that are important to you
  • Mediation is more informal than a public trial
  • Mediated agreements are more flexible than a court judgment and can include negotiated terms such as smaller payment plans over time
  • When an agreement is reached, the case is turned into a stipulated order and the case is dismissed. There is no judgment in the public record against you
  • Statistics show that parties are more likely to honor negotiated agreement terms than they are a judge’s order

  1. Mediation is conducted via WebEx. Joining by computer with video is preferred, however, you can attend the mediation by calling in by telephone if your computer does not have a camera. Accommodations will be made for parties with no computer or telephone access.
  2. ​ The call-in information is listed in the court notice you receive in the mail. If you opt-in to receive email regarding your case, a link will be emailed to you to help you more easily connect via a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Email:​ if you would like to opt-in to receive the electronic link to connect.
    Note: Most iPhones, iPads, and some Android smart phones are compatible with Cisco WebEx, using the free Cisco WebEx Meetings App​.
  3. To join your mediation, either click on the link you received via email (if you opted-in for emails) or use the connection details from the mediation hearing notice you received in the mail. Please try to connect at least 5 minutes early as you will need to allow time to resolve any technical issues that may arise.
  4. If you are joining the mediation by video, you will need to click “agree” to some standard language. Part of that states that the meeting will be recorded and made public. However, mediation discussions are confidential and never recorded. The only time you will be recorded as part of your mediation appearance is if an agreement is reached and the agreement needs to be placed on the court record.
  5. Please make sure you join from a private space where no one else can overhear the mediation session.
  6. Please plan on being available for up to three hours, although it may take significantly less time.
To join by a computer with a camera or a smart device:
  • Go to
  • Click Join a Meeting button on the top right corner of your computer. You do not need to enter your email address or sign up for a free account
  • Enter the meeting number – found in your mediation hearing notice
  • Enter the meeting password – found in your mediation hearing notice
  • Click green Join Meeting button
  • The mediator will admit you into the meeting when both parties have arrived
To join by phone:
  • Dial 503-388-9555 United States (Portland)
  • Enter the meeting number (access code) followed by # # – found in your mediation hearing notice
  • ​The mediator will admit you into the meeting when both parties have arrived

If you have issues connecting to your mediation, please call the mediation coordinator at 503-320-3031​.

The Washington County Circuit Court Small Claims and Landlord Tenant mediation program accepts new volunteer mediators on a rolling basis. To be considered, a mediator will need to have completed a Basic Mediation Curriculum of at least 30 hours as outlined in State Court Administrator Guidelines Regarding Mediation Training (​.

If accepted to the program, mediators will complete a six-hour court systems training provided by the Court. The Court offers a comprehensive orientation/apprenticeship process, ongoing supervision and mentoring by experienced mediators, and continuing education training sessions. Volunteer mediators are asked to commit to mediate twice a month for a year after the court systems training and orientation process.

Small claims mediations are virtual and take place Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 9 am and 1 pm. Mediators can choose the days and times that work best for their schedule. Landlord Tenant mediations are in-person at Washington County Circuit Courthouse, 150 N. First Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97124 every Monday at 8:30am.

For more information on how to apply, please contact:

Susanne Smith at​ or 503-846-8888​ ext.71611