Judge Eric Butterfield
Courtroom 102C
145 NE Second Avenue
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Chambers 101C
503-846-8888 x70571
Marissa Smith
503-846-8888 x70721
1. Communicating with the judge and staff
* Email is preferred. Parties should not
email the judge directly unless asked to do so.
* Hand deliveries: Room 101C
* Fax number: 503-846-2820
2. Courtroom procedure and decorum
* Cell phones should be silenced
* No food or beverages other than water
* Parties are not required to stand upon the judge taking the bench
* Parties do not need permission to move about the courtroom
* Courtroom doors will remain locked until 15 minutes before court sessions and
during lunch breaks
* Small children must be quiet or taken out of the courtroom
3. Courtroom technology available
* Table top ports for laptops
* Document camera
* Projector
* Screen
* Video calls
* Proceedings are digitally recorded
4. Pretrial procedures
* File witness lists
and jury instructions at least the day prior to trial
* Advise staff of any scheduling issues or conflicts
* Reply in a timely manner to staff requests for information
* Last minute settlement hearings will require a waiver of trial judge to be
* Jury questionnaires will be distributed as early as possible
* Voir dire should be conducting using panel method, not individual
* Challenges for cause should be brought to the court’s attention immediately,
not during peremptory challenges
* Peremptory challenges will be conducting using paper challenge slips
* Exhibit stickers should include the case number written at the bottom
* Attorneys shall request permission to publish exhibits to the jury
* Jurors are not allowed to ask questions during trial
* Jury instructions are given after all closing arguments
* Attorneys should leave cards or at least notes with phone numbers where they
may be reached for questions or a verdict
~~Civil Trial differences~~
* Jury instructions and verdict forms should be submitted in Word format to
staff by email
* Challenges may be done in chambers if both parties request prior to voir dire