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Oregon Judicial Department Logo


離婚/ 家事 (Divorce/ Family)


虐待/ 家暴保護令 (Abuse/ Domestic Violence Protective Orders)

申請禁制令 (Apply for a Restraining Order)

修改禁制令 (Modifying (Changing) A Restraining Order)

續期禁制令 (Renewing a Restraining Order)

長者和殘障人士虐待防止法案 (EPPDAPA) 禁制令

取得禁制令 (Obtaining a Restraining Order)

續期禁制令 (Renewing (Continuting a Restraining Order))

糾纏 (Stalking)

迫遷/ 業主驅逐租客 (Eviction/ Forcible Entry Detainer)

驅逐租客 (FED) – 給房東的資訊 (Evictions (FEDs) - For Landlords)

驅逐租客 (FED) – 給租客的資訊 (Evictions (FED) - For Tenants)

民事 (Civil)

民事案件收費延期和免除 (Civil Fee Deferral and Waiver)

刑事 (Criminal)

罰金或費用減免 (Fine or Fee Reduction)