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Records Requests

Douglas County Circuit Court provides two public terminals in the lobby of the courthouse Room 201 to view most case information and filed documents. State and federal law require courts to protect some information.

Oregon Circuit Court case record copies can be requested by filling out the statewide form below. To request a record, you will need to know the case number and exact documents, or hearing dates. To find case information, visit Online Records Search.

Before requesting records, please review all the information provided on our Statewide Records Request page and the information below.

Please note, we process requests in the order they are received. If the estimated time to complete your request will exceed 10 working days, court staff will notify you.

 Payment Information

Payments can be made
in person or mailed to:

Douglas County Circuit Court
1036 SE Douglas Ave
Justice Building, Room 201
Roseburg, OR 97470


  • ​Regular Cop​ies are copies of the original document filed in the case. Regular copies can be an electronic (TIFF or PDF) or paper copy. These are often for individual record keeping and not used for verification to a third party.
  • Certified Copies are copies of documents filed with the court that are sworn to be a true and correct copy by a court clerk. The certified copy of the document includes a stamp, the court’s seal, and the clerk’s signature. Certified copies are often required by third party agencies.
    • Electronically Certified Copies are digital copies of filed documents that are digitally stamped in red or blue ink and signed by the court clerk and delivered via email. The document must be printed in color if delivering a copy to a third party agency. 
      Before requesting a digital certified copy, please confirm with the agency requesting the document that they will accept an electronic certification. This document must be printed in color.
    • Paper Certified Copies are physical paper copies of the filed document that are stamped and signed in ink as a true copy by a court clerk. If the document is multiple pages, it will also be stapled. If the staple is removed, the certification becomes invalid. Paper certified documents are usually required by the following agencies:
      • Social Security
      • Secretary of State
      • Certified documents in Estate and Probate cases for documents that are used to administer estates, such as fiduciary letters and small estate affidavits, may also need to be certified on paper.
  • Exemplified Copies are also called a 3-Way Certificate. They are true and correct copies of documents filed with the court. The document is sworn to by the Court Administrator, then the Court Administrator's signature is sworn to by a judge, and the Court Administrator then swears to the judge’s signature. These copies are often required by other states and countries when copies are being filed in their local court. 
    Before requesting a digital exemplified copy, please confirm with the agency requesting the document that they will accept it in electronic form. This document must be printed in color.​
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  • Email: Copies of case documents can all be sent through email. Do not choose this option if you need a raised seal on your document.
    • Certified and exemplified copies will be stamped and signed digitally. The stamp will contain a color seal specific to the county where the case was filed. If delivering this copy to a third party agency, it must be printed in color.
      Before requesting a certified or exemplified copy via email, please confirm with the agency requesting the document that they will accept the electronic certified or exemplified copy. This document must be printed in color.
  • Mail: Copies of case documents are sent by mail. Additional mailing cost will be charged to pay for postage.
    • Certified and exemplified copies will be stamped and signed in ink. If the document is more than one page, it will be stapled. If the staple is removed, the certification is no longer valid.
  • In-Person Pickup: Copies of case documents can be picked up at the court location where the case is. The court will contact you when the documents are ready for pickup.
    • Certified and exemplified copies will be stamped and signed in ink. If the document is more than one page, it will be stapled. If the staple is removed, the certification is no longer valid.
  • Pickup at Another Court: Copies of case documents can be picked up at a different court location from where the case is filed. When requesting this option, the document will be electronically certified by the court the case was filed in and the document will be available in paper form for pickup at the requested court location. 
    • Certified and exemplified copies will be stamped and signed digitally. The stamp will contain a color seal specific to the county where the case was filed.
  • Only request a certified or exemplified copy be picked up at another court location if you are sure they are the right documents. The other court will not be able to provide a certified or exemplified copy of any other document in the case. Please confirm with the agency requesting the document that they will accept the electronic stamp and signature on the certified or exemplified copy.
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Paper Copy Costs apply to documents Mailed or Picked up in Person:

  • Copy Cost Per Case Request: $3.00 + per page copy charge
  • Copy Cost Per Page: 25 cents per page.
  • Certified Copy: $5.00 + per page copy charge.
  • Exemplified Copy: $10.00 + per page copy charge.

Electronic Copy Costs apply to documents emailed or delivered on a CD or other media format:

  • Microfilm Document Emailed: 45 cents per page
  • Electronic Document Emailed:$3.00 per case request
  • Electronic Certified Copy: $5.00 per document request
  • Exemplified Copy: $10.00 per document request

Other Costs associated with copies:

  • CD Copy of Documents: $1.00 + Cost of Electronic Copies
  • Other Media Format: Actual Court Cost of Media + Cost of Electronic Copies.
  • Mailing: Actual Cost of Mailing.​​

All fees must be paid in fu​ll before copies are made. Payment of fees can be made by cash, check, cashier’s check, and money order, Visa or MasterCard.

​​Copies of audio recordings use the recording system called “For The Record” (FTR). To play to the recordings, you will need the free FTR Player which can be downloaded from . (At this time FTR software is not Apple compatible.)
​For Douglas County circuit Court, you can request and receive ​recordings in the following formats:

  • Flash Drive​: A Flash Drive, also known as a thumb drive or USB drive, can either be mailed or picked up at the court the hearing was held.
  • ​​ Digital: A Digit​al file can only be emailed to you.​
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FTR Audi​o Costs​ ​​apply to cop​ies Emailed, Mailed or Picked up in Person:
  • Receive​ Dig​ital File by Email - $10.00 copy fee​

  • ​Pick Up Flash Drive at Courthouse - $15.00 fee ($10.00 copy fee + $5.00 flash drive)

  • Receive Flash Drive by U.S. Mail - $18 fee ($10.00 copy fee + $5.00 flash drive + $3.00 postage)​

  • Fee Waived – Court Appointed Attorney / District Attorney / Judicial Partner – Receive Digital File by Email

All fees must be paid in fu​ll before copies are made. Payment of fees can be made by cash, check, cashier’s check, and money order, Visa or MasterCard.

State law restricts who may receive audio copies of hearings and trials for some case types such as adoptions and juvenile cases. If you are requesting an audio copy from a restricted (confidential) case type, your request may be denied or you may be required to complete additional paperwork, show identification and pick up the audio copies in person.

Juvenile Records: For information on Juvenile Records, please visit Juvenile Court Records Access Rules  and Releasing Juvenile Court Records.

Adoption Records: For information on Adoption Records, please visit Adoption Record Access. If you qualify to request adoption records, please fill out the Request for Court Adoption Records. 

Marijuana Pardon’s: For information on Governor Brown’s Marijuana Pardon’s records, please visit Marijuana Pardons Information.​​​

​Due to the confidentiality of Juvenile cases, only parties to the case and their attorneys may request certain case records.

Paper Records May Exclude Confidentially Managed Court Records.

Audio Records Require Finding of Good Cause.

Who Can Receive a Copy?
  • The child/youth and parent
  • Victim in a delinquency case
  • Attorneys for parties (including prospective)
  • Douglas County Juvenile Dept., DHS, OYA, CASA, CRB, DOJ, Douglas County District Attorney
  • "Any other person or entity" allowed by the court through motion and declaration

Copy Costs:

Parties to a case do NOT have to pay for paper or audio records. "Any other person or entity" allowed by the court through motion and declaration is responsible for paying copy costs prior to processing as follows:
  • Audio Records - Receive Digital File by Email - $9.00 copy fee
  • Paper Records - $0.25 per page
  • Certified Copies - $0.25 per page, plus $5.00 per court certified document
Payment for Copies:

The Juvenile Clerks' office accepts payments via Credit/Debit card by phone or in person. *$3.00 minimum transaction fee for payments made via credit/debit card.

Payments by cash or check can be made at the accounting window in the Douglas County Circuit Court Justice Building located at: 1036 SE Douglas, Room JB201, Roseburg, OR 97470.

To Request a Copy:

  • Complete 'Motion' & 'Proposed Order' to 'Release Juvenile Records'
  • Submit filing to the Douglas County Circuit Court 1036 SE Douglas, Room JB201, Roseburg, OR 97470
  • Motion and Proposed Order Packet​ 
Motion Requirements:

  • All Juvenile audio records requests require a Motion and Proposed Order to determine a good cause finding
    • *Exception: County/State as a related party or entity to the case (Juvenile Dept., DOJ, DHS, OYA, OPDC, prospective appellate attorneys, public defenders)
  • A statement detailing requestor's relation to the child/youth/case, specific documents or hearing sessions requested, and reason why the person or entity is requesting release of records
  • A sworn affidavit or declaration under penalty or perjury
  • If "Any Other Person or Entity" under ORS 419A.255, the Motion/Declaration must be served upon all parties and attorneys of record to the proceeding, providing written notice to the court under ORS 419B.851 & ORS 419B.854, or if unknown, the court is required to mail notice of time to object to a party or attorney of record at their last known address.​