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Oregon Judicial Department Logo

Case File Copies

The court provides two public terminals available in the lobby of the courthouse Room 201 for public use. Statewide Circuit Court case information and most filed documents can be reviewed for most cases (state and federal law require courts to protect some information.)

You can request case files complete form Nintex Automation Cloud (

Douglas County Circuit Court
1036 SE Douglas Ave
Justice Building Room 201
Roseburg, OR 97470

Only record requests will be processed from this form. Other requests will be disregarded.

For all requests include the following information:

  • The complete name of the person or persons involved
  • The case number and year case filed
  • The specific documents you are requesting (or complete case file)
  • How to receive documents email copy or hard copy (mailed)
  • If you want each document certified or just regular copies
  • Your name and contact information in case of any questions or issues.

Copies are 25 cents per page.
Certified copies are $5.00 per document plus 25 cents per page.
Exemplified copies are $10.00 per document plus 25 cents per page.


Only records requests will be processed from this email other requests will be disregarded.