Court Records Requests
Court records that are not confidential or sealed are available to the public. Court staff is responsible for maintaining all documents in the local court files and assists the public with requests for copies of court documents. Record requests are handled on a first come, first serve basis.
Documents in newer court cases can be reviewed using the kiosk computers in the court house lobby. Older case files that have not been digitized can be reviewed by requesting the file be retrieved.
Adoption and Juvenile cases are confidential. Access to these cases is limited. For information about requesting copies from an Adoption case, go to our
Adoption information page.
To request copies from a Juvenile case please
contact the court.
To request copies from a court file, complete and submit the online Jefferson Copy Request Form. The copy request form can also be populated and printed, then submitted via US mail, fax, or in person at the customer service window of the courthouse.
Court staff will calculate the total cost after the request is made. If copies are being mailed, postage costs will be added. All fees must be paid in full before any copies will be made.