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Records Requests

Oregon Circuit Court case record copies can be requested by filling out the statewide form below. To request a record, if you do not know the case number or other information in the required fields, provide as much case information as you do know including both parties names and the approximate date the case started. To find case information, visit Online Records Search or contact us at

Before requesting records, please review all the information provided on our Statewide Records Request page and the information below.

 Contact Info



Lane County Circuit Court
Court Archives Department

125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401

Document Copy ​​C​osts

Paper Co​py Costs wo​​​uld apply to documents Mailed or Picke​​​d up in Person:

​​Copy Type
​​Standard Copy
​$3.00 + $0.25 per page
​Certified Copy
​$5.00 + $0.25 per page
​Exemplified Copy
​$10.00 + $0.25 per page

Electro​nic Copy Costs would apply to documents Emailed or delivered on a CD or other media format:

​Copy Type​
​Digital Copy of Document Emailed
​$3.00 per request​
Digital Certified Copy Emailed
​$5.00 per request
Digital Exemplified Copy
​$10.00​ per request

Note: Additional fees may apply for large requests.​​

Othe​r Costs associated with copies:

​​​Copy Type​​

​Digital Document Delivered via CD
​$1.00 per CD
​Digital Document Delivered via Other Media Format
​Actual Court Cost of Media
​Mailing Documents / Media
​Actual Cost of Mailing


FTR Audio Copy Costs

FTR Audio Costs would apply to copies Emailed, Mailed or Picked up in Person: 

​​Co​py Type
​Electronic Recording​
​​$10.00 per hearing or day of trial
​​CD Recording
​$1.00 per CD + $10.00 per request
​​Other Media Format
​Actual Court Cost of Media + $10.00 per request
​Actual Cost of Mailing via US Mail

​Payment must be made in full prior to the Court processing your request.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Lane County Circuit Court offers public terminals on the main floor lobby of the courthouse. Court records may be viewed without charge during normal court hours.

These digital records terminals will be able to view court records for cases which started in 2014 or after. For any cases before 2014, please submit a Document Request Form.​​​

The court uses an audio recording system to maintain the official record of court cases. Case audio recording requests can be made by filling out the Records Request Form.​​​

Lane County does not offer written transcripts. You will need to submit an Audio Request and find your own transcriber service.​​

For records in the custody of the Trial Court Administrator (such as court policies or procedures, administrative records, etc.) you must submit your request in writing to the administrative office by regular mail to:

Trial Court Administrator
Lane County Circuit Court
125 E. 8th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401

Due to the unique nature of each request, an estimate of the costs will be provided to you and the court will not proceed with preparing the records until payment is received in advance.​