Wedding ceremonies are performed at the Judge's discretion and based on court availability and must be scheduled in advance.
Couples should provide their own witnesses (18 or older) for the ceremony and obtain their wedding license at least three days prior to the wedding ceremony (see link to the County web site in the box below).
- ORS 106.120(4)(a) requires the payment of a $117 fee for all marriages performed in the courthouse. A fee waiver may be submitted to the court to waive this fee.
- In addition to the $117 fee, the judge may charge a $100 fee for weddings at a place other than the courthouse where they serve or outside of normal business hours.
- No "in-custody" weddings.
To schedule a wedding, email Your email will be fowarded to a judge who will be in further contact. Be sure to include your contact information.
For information regarding obtaining a marriage license, visit the
County Clerk's website.