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If you have been charged with the crime of Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants (DUII) and you meet the requirements in the Defendant's Declaration of Eligibility, you may qualify for the DUII Diversion Program. Information and forms for this program are on our Forms page.​

If you are charged with a criminal offense and you cannot afford to hire an attorney, you may qualify for a court-appointed attorney. To apply for a court-appointed attorney, you need to go to the window next to the Law Enforcement Center courtroom and fill out the application form. You can do this when you come to court for your first appearance. You will need to provide information about your financial circumstances on the application form. Please note, you may need to pay a $20 application fee or a contribution towards the cost of court appointed counsel, depending on your financial circumstances.

If you do not qualify for a court-appointed attorney, you will need to hire an attorney on your own.

If you do qualify for a court-appointed attorney, please be aware that at the conclusion of your case, you may have to repay some or all of the cost of your court-appointed attorney, if the court determines that you are able.

Forms for Requesting a Court Appointed Attorney


Washington County Court Appointed Attorney Firms

Harris Law Firm PC
165 SE 26th Ave
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123

Hillsboro Law Group PC
5289 NE Elam Young Pkwy #110
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

Cornerstone Law Group
220 NE 3rd Ave.
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

Metropolitan Public Defenders
400 E. Main St. #210
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124

Ridehalgh & Associates, LLC
180 E. Main St. Suite 210
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123

The Washington County Circuit Court Criminal Department is located at the Law Enforcement Center (LEC) located at 215 S.W. Adams Street, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. There is also a courtroom located in this building, and this is where most people have their first court appearance (arraignment) in any criminal or traffic case.

If you received a criminal citation requiring you to come to court at the above address, or if you were arrested and signed a Release Agreement that lists the above address for your court appearance, you need to come to the LEC courtroom for your court date.

After your first appearance, most court hearings are held in the main Washington County Courthouse located at 150 N. 1st Ave, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. At your first appearance you will be told where your next court hearing will be held. If you have a question about which courthouse or which courtroom you need to go to for a hearing, ask your attorney or call the court before the date of your hearing.

If you failed to appear for a scheduled court date and a warrant was issued for your arrest, you have two options for resolving the warrant without waiting to be arrested.

  1. You can turn yourself in to the Washington County Jail at 215 SW Adams Ave, Hillsboro, OR 97123.
  2. You can file a motion or complete a TSI (Turn Self In) Request Letter to turn yourself in at the court's TSI Docket on Fridays at 8:15am. This request must be approved by a judge. ​

FTA Turn Self In Docket Procedure

​​​TSI Appearance Request​

To have an arrest or conviction removed from your record (expunged), you must file legal documents with the Court and the District Attorney's Office. The law governing this process is found in ORS 137.225.

Below are links to information about how to file the necessary documents with the court:
Expungement packet for convictions, arrests, dismissals, no complaint or not filed cases
Marijuana Conviction Set-Aside or Reduction

Additional Information

Pre-Trial Release Hearing Regarding Contact with Minor Children – Conflicting Orders

Washington County District Attorney's Office

Washington County Community Corrections Department

Contact Us

To notify the court of an expedited filing, please email

Criminal Department
Law Enforcement Center
215 SW Adams Avenue
Hillsboro, Oregon 97123