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Forms for Enforcement

Brief descriptions of content are provided to help you decide which packet you may wish to use. The descriptions are not intended to provide you with complete information about the law or court procedure involved in each packet. For more information, please consult with an attorney.

Parenting Time Enforcement (Oregon and Out-of-State Orders)

If a judge signed a court order or judgment that establishes parenting time and if the order is currently valid and is being violated by the other parent, you may request enforcement of this order or judgment. 

The forms may be used whether you were the petitioner or the respondent in the original case (dissolution, separation or unmarried parent petition) provided you believe the parenting plan is being violated by the other parent. 

Enforcement of Custody (Oregon and Out-of-State Orders/Judgments)

If a judge previously signed a court order or judgment granting you custody, and if the order or judgment is still current and valid, but the other parent is now withholding custody, you may use this packet. This packet allows you to request that the judge sign an order of assistance. If the judge signs it, a law enforcement agency in the county where the child is located will be directed to pick up the child and deliver the child to you.

If you are seeking to enforce an out-of-state custody order/judgment, you may also need to complete the forms in the packet for Registration of out-of-state Custody and Parenting Time Judgments. Oregon law prevents this procedure from being used when parenting time is being violated but custody is not really being withheld. ORS 107.437(5). If parenting time is being violated, use your local court's enforcement forms which may be found at "Parenting Plan Enforcement", or the Instructions and Forms in this packet. If you have any doubt about the right to custody, you may wish to seek legal advice.

Registration of Out-of-State Custody and Parenting Time Judgments

This packet applies when you want to enforce either a parenting time or custody order or judgment that was entered in another state. If the out-of state order or judgment is still in effect (not changed or vacated), you may use this packet to have the order or judgment "registered" and "confirmed" in an Oregon court. In most cases, you will want to complete this process before using the other packets to request enforcement.

"What to Do if Child Support or Spousal Support (Alimony) is not being paid."