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SFLAC subcommittee members are appointed by the SFLAC chair to research issues in specific areas involving family law and the courts and make proposals to SFLAC for recommendation to the Chief Justice and the State Court Administrator.

SFLAC Subcommittees

The Child Support Subcommittee focuses on matters specific to child support that intersect with other areas of family law, access to justice, and particularly on the business of the courts and Oregon Judicial Department. 



Shannon Richard
Assistant Attorney-in-Charge, Civil Recovery, Civil Enforcement Division, 
Oregon Department of Justice, Eugene


Kate Cooper Richardson
Director, Oregon Child Support Program & Division of Child Support, Salem
The Honorable Keith Raines
Senior Judge, Washington County
Katie Slattery
Trial Court Administrator, Crook & Jefferson Counties
Sabrina Owen
Child Support Liaison, Oregon District Attorneys Association, Eugene
Donna Brann
Presiding Judge, Office of Administrative Hearings, Eugene
Angie LaNier
Hearings Referee, Remote Child Suppor Court, Medford
Trena Klohe
Senior Staff Attorney
Oregon Law Center, Hillsboro
Michael (Mike) Ritchey
General Counsel, Oregon Child Support Program, Oregon Department of 
Justice, Portland
Jennifer Peckham
Attorney at Law, Lufkin Peckham LLP, Beaverton
The Honorable Maureen McKnight
Senior Judge
Kristine (Kristi) Willits
Family Law Program Coordinator, Benton County, Corvallis
Christine Hill
Child Support Program Analyst, Juvenile & Family Court Programs Division, Salem

​Serves as a resource to courts on domestic violence issues and legislation, provides input on FAPA and stalking procedures and forms, creates written materials for self-represented litigants and abuse victims, and advocates for improvements in protective orders. 



Debra Dority
State Support Unit Attorney, Oregon Law Center, Portland
Samantha Malloy
Family Law Attorney, Ashland
Samantha Benton
Family Law Attorney, Hood River 
Diana Fleming
STOP VAWA Fund Coordinator, Oregon Department of Justice, Salem
Hon. Dawn McIntosh
Judge, Clatsop County Circuit Court
Sarah Sabri
Sr. Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Eugene
Hon. Patricia McGuire
Judge, Multnomah County Circuit Court
Hon. Jennifer Gardiner
Judge, Marion County Circuit Court
Emily Brown-Sitnick
Legal Aid Services of Oregon, Multnomah, Clackamas, Hood River, Sherman and Wasco Counties
Kathryn Moakley
University of Oregon DV Clinic Supervisor, Eugene
Katie Haslinger
Saving Grace, Deschutes County
Jenny Woodson
Domestic and Sexual Violence Coordinator, Oregon Department of Human Services
Lonny Webb
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, West Linn
Heather Busby
Executive Director, Youth Rights and Justice, Portland
Amy Benedum
Program Analyst, Juvenile & Family Court Programs Division, OJD, Salem

​The SFLAC Mediation Subcommittee was created:
• To ensure that all family law litigants have access to court-connected mediation services in cases involving minor children in which custody or parenting time is in dispute;
• To make recommendations to ensure adequate funding for mediation services;
• To make recommendations regarding mediator resources including best practices, trainings, and support.



Caitlyn Jackson
Lane County Youth Services/Mediation

Laura Bisbee
Multnomah County Family Court Services, Portland
Hon. Karrie McIntyre
Judge, Lane County Circuit Court
Amy Bonkosky
Trial Court Administrator, Crook/Jefferson Counties
Cindy Carr
Washington County Mediation
Angie Curtis 
Trial Court Administrator, Deschutes County
Kristen Jocums
Mediator, Corvallis
Chandra Emery
Clackamas County Resolution Services
Jennifer Price
Multnomah County Family Court Services
AJ Wahl
Mediator, Clatsop County​
Amy Benedum
Juvenile & Family Court Programs Division, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem​​

The goal of this subcommittee is to identify educational needs for OJD staff as well as both internal and external customers and develop and implement materials and resources including pamphlets, videos, webinars, and trainings/conferences to address these needs.



Colleen Carter-Cox
Program Coordinator Family Court Assistance Office, Lane County Circuit Court, Eugene


Hannah Marchese
SOFI Regional Program Coordinator, Jackson County Circuit Court, Medford
The Hon. Karrie McIntyre
Circuit Court Judge, Lane County, Eugene 
Marilee Aldred,
TCA, Malheur County, Vale
The Hon. Keith Raines
Senior Judge, Washington County, Hillsboro
Debra Dority
Family Law Support Unit Attorney, Oregon Law Center, Portland
Maxine Tuan
Family Law Attorney , Multnomah County, Portland
Tracye Cardoza
Family Law Facilitator, Klamath County Circuit Court, Klamath Falls
The Hon. Kelly LeMarr 
Circuit Court Judge, Washington County Circuit Court, Hillsboro
Teala Sunderman
Family Law Manager, Union County, La Grande
Sue Gerhardt
OSB Licensed Paralegal, Portland
Nanci Thaemert
Director, Juvenile and Family Law Court Programs Division, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem
Bryan Marsh
Family Law Program Manager, Family Law Program, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem
Nikki Hahn
Management Assistant, Family Law Program, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem​

Recommends and vets nominees for SLFAC membership to ensure a diverse, qualified, and hard-working group.​




Debra Dority
Vice Chair of SFLAC, Family Law Support Unit Attorney, Oregon Law Center, Portland​​
Stephen Adams
Mediator, Wallowa County, Enterprise​
Colleen Carter-Cox
Program Coordinator, Lane County, Eugene
Hon. Karrie McIntyre
Circuit Court Judge, Chair of SFLAC, Lane County, Eugene

The focus of our committee is prioritizing the data reports that can be obtained and developed from the Odyssey case management system to provide relevant and practical information to the OJD, our community partners, and the legislature, all in an effort to further the mission and goals of the OJD.




Linda Hukari
Trial Court Administrator, Marion County Circuit Court, Salem


Ryan Carty
Family Law Attorney, Salem
The Hon. Matthew Donohue
Benton County Circuit Court Judge, Corvallis
The Hon. Maureen McKnight
Senior Judge, Multnomah County Circuit Court, Portland
The Hon. Lauren Holland
Senior Judge, Lane County Circuit Court, Eugene​
John Grant
Attorney, Portland
Stephanie Guerena
Acting Deputy Direct/OJCIN Lead Data Analyst, Business & Fiscal Services 
Division, Salem
Conor Wall
Data Analyst, Business & Fiscal Services Division, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem
Joseph Muirhead
Data Analyst, Business & Fiscal Services Division, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem
Nanci Thaemert 
Director, Juvenile & Family Court Programs Division, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem​​
Bryan Marsh
Family Law Analyst, Juvenile & Family Court Programs Division, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem​​

 The Futures Subcommittee remains committed to its vision to reimagine "Court" as a service and process rather than a specific place where trials and hearings occur.  By so doing, we strive to imagine and assist to implement avenues for more and better legal services. Specific focuses include: 

  • Optimizing existing court personnel and resources: This commitment includes the transition from an assumption of resolution through trials/hearings to one that utilizes the wealth of experienced judges, excellent court personnel and underutilized prior innovations.
  • Placing a focus on early and frequent intervention in legal disputes: This focus is designed to encourage swifter case conclusion that avoids the long-term collateral damage of protracted court proceedings.
  • ​Embracing ideas, innovations, and lessons learned throughout the Covod-19 pandemic: Recent changes to our courts and the way we interface with end-users have the capacity to both redefine and improve our legal system to better serve the majority of self-represented Oregonians.
  • Continuing examination and innovation of established rules and procedures: This focus ensures we are informing future projects with an eye on what is in place today and areas where things are operating smoothly versus areas where we can better meet and address the typical court customers.




Ryan Carty 
Family Law Attorney, Salem

Samantha Malloy
Family Law Attorney, Jackson County
Stephen Adams
Retired Attorney and Mediator, Wallowa County
Colleen Carter-Cox
Program Coordinator Family Court Assistance Office​, Lane County Circuit Court, Eugene
Valerie Colas
Access to Justice Counsel, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem
Hon. Maureen McKnight
Senior Judge, Multnomah County
William Howe
Family Law Attorney, Multnomah County
Hon. Karrie McIntyre
Judge, Lane CountyCircuit Court, Eugene
Hon. Sean Armstrong
Judge, Marion County Circuit Court, Salem 
Linda Hukari
Trial Court Administrator, Marion County, Salem
​John Grant
Attorney, Portland 
Nanci Thaemert
Director, Juvenile & Family Court Programs Division, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem
Bryan Marsh
Family Law Analyst, Family Court Program, Oregon Judicial Department, Salem​

​​Provides information and training to parents, mediators, and the legal community regarding parenting time, legal decision making and family law related topics.​



Adam Furchner, Ph.D
Therapist and Custody Evaluator, Portland


Hon. Amy Holmes Hehn
Judge, Multnomah Circuit Court, Portland
Hon. Sean Armstrong
Judge, Marion County Circuit Court, Salem ​
Hon. Bethany Flint
Judge, Deschutes County Circuit Court, Bend
Hon. Dawn McIntosh
Judge, Clatsop County Circuit Court, Astoria
Jane Parisi-Mosher
Therapist and Mediator, Yamhill County
Scott Leibenguth
Attorney, Portland
Robin Stedfeld
Mediator, La Grande
Judith Swinney
Parenting Supervisor/Education, Portland
Tracy Vogeltanz
Multnomah County Family Court, Portland
Dr. Wendy Bourg, Ph.D
Psychologist, Portland
Kathleen Zumpano
Child Specialist, Portland
Vicki Bruno
Mediator, Portland
Bryan Marsh
Legal Policy Advisor, Juvenile & Family Court Programs Division, OJD, Salem