Appearing for court by video
Many hearings being held with the use of "simultaneous electronic transmission" (video.) Appearance information can be found on the hearing notice. Here are Guidelines for Video Court Appearances in Clatsop County Circuit Court.
All Clatsop County court hearings are set in the Pacific Time zone (PT). Some calendar applications will convert a Webex meeting invitation to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), making it appear that the hearing is at a different time. If you have any questions about the time of your hearing, please review your hearing notice. You can also
Contact Us with any questions.
If you have difficulty connecting to your hearing by video, please call us at 503-325-8555 and selection option “0”contact us as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours before your hearing.

Exhibits for hearings by video
Amended CJO 20-006 allows filers to submit trial exhibits that can be converted to a PDF through File & Serve, if the proceeding is to be conducted by remote means.
Section 7 of the amended CJO 20-006 details the changes.
Attorneys must submit exhibits through
File & Serve. Due to the envelope limit of 25MB, some filings may need to be submitted in multiple envelopes. The filer should submit the document as confidential. Documents that do not meet the filing requirements set out in the CJO will be rejected.
Self-represented parties must submit exhibits via email. See our Contact Us page for the email address to use based on case type. Exhibits must be copied to the opposing party at the time of emailing them to the court.
Self-represented parties without email or scanning capabilities may use the courthouse lobby drop box to submit exhibits to the court, provided they send copies to the other party. Exhibits must be clearly marked with the case name, case number, and date/time of the hearing.
- Exhibits must be in a single, unified PDF
- The PDF must include both a linked index or table of contents, and a bookmark for each exhibit
- You must mark your exhibits before you submit them, and those exhibits must correspond to the exhibit list you filed
- All exhibits must be filed at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled hearing
For exhibits that are video or audio files,
contact the court and the clerk will send you a secure file transfer request which you may use to submit your video or audio files. Exhibits must be provided to all parties at the time you provide them to the court. File size limit: 1 GB
Courtroom Connectivity for Electronic Exhibits
- Big screen monitor displays and DVD players are available in all courtrooms.
- Litigants in courtrooms 100 and 200 may connect their laptop computers to the courtroom display and sound system via ClickShare. This is a court provided USB device plugged into your laptop and an application installed that allowed you to connect to the display system in the courtroom. Courtroom 300 features an HDMI connection at counsel table for displaying electronic exhibits.
- If you plan to submit audio/video recordings as exhibits during a court proceeding, the recording must be saved on a flash drive or CD/DVD in one of the following file formats; AVI, FLV, MP4, WMV, MOV.
Wi-Fi Access
The courthouse has two public Wi-Fi networks. Courtesy Internet is provided to the public by Clatsop County.
OJD Guest Wi-Fi is provided by the Oregon Judicial Department. The court does not provide technical, software or other support services to any user, either in the courtroom or the lobby.