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Remote Hearings

Remote Hearings by Telephone and Video

The Court uses Cisco Webex Meetings to conduct remote hearings by telephone and video.  Please review the Statewide Remote Hearings page that contains important instructions for remote hearings.   

You must join a remote hearing or trial in the manner instructed on the hearing notice.  Telephone access links are listed below for the calendars that allow telephonic appearances.

CISCO Webex Conference Line and Video Links

Please click on the Hearing type below to see connection information.


Access Code: 2489 599 5899##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 146 452 4480##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 146 446 1167##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access code: 146 615 0789##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 146 959 6331##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 2497 467 7508##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 146 875 5062##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access code 146 050 8105##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access code: 146 959 6331##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 146 138 4790##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 146 463 9516##

Click here to Join Meeting


Access Code: 146 398 3851##

Click here to Join Meeting

*The conference lines listed for the individual judges are only utilized for hearings set outside of the normal docket sessions and at the direction of a judge.  You will be notified by hearing notice or phone notice if your hearing is scheduled in one of these sessions.  Please contact the court one or two days before your hearing or trial if you are unsure whether your case is scheduled on one of the regular dockets listed above, or one of the special set calendars for an individual judge listed below*


Access Code: 146 089 6771##

Click here to Join Meeting

Joining the hearing or trial by video
  • It is highly recommended that you use the CISCO Webex Meetings application to join the hearing to ensure you have a good, quality connection.  Generally, connecting by using an internet browser results in poorer quality video.  Please also be aware that the mobile apps for CISCO Webex Meetings do not offer all of the same functions that are available on the desktop applications for a desktop computer or laptop.
  • If you are experiencing problems with the sound (audio) when joining by video, you have the option of also dialing in by telephone to speak and hear during the hearing or trial. 
  • If you are using the desktop application for both video and audio connections, it is recommended that you keep the "mute" setting on at all times and use the space bar to temporarily un-mute yourself when speaking.

Submitting Exhibits for Remote Hearings (See PJO 2021-01)

You are responsible for providing exhibits to both the court and the other parties prior to the hearing or trial.  If you do not provide exhibits to the court and other parties prior to the hearing or trial, the judge may not allow the exhibits to be considered when deciding your case.

Providing Exhibits for the Court

  • Documentary exhibits filed electronically with the Court pursuant to CJO 23-028 Section 3 and must be filed by 12:00 PM two (2) court days prior to the date of the hearing or trial.
    • Users can visit and register for an account
    • Filers must use an exhibit list in substantially the same format as the attached "Exhibit List."
    • All exhibits may be filed under one "EB" (Exhibit) code as long as they are listed on the cover sheet.
    • Exhibits must be submitted as single unified confidential PDF file (unless >25MB); and (1) Be accompanied by an index that identifies each exhibit, located at the beginning of the submission, and each identified exhibit must be electronically linked to the index; and (2) Include an electronic bookmark for each exhibit.
  • Documentary exhibits which are not filed electronically under CJO 23-028 (3) (b), shall instead be provided to the court in printed copy, numbered and accompanied by a list of the pre-marked exhibits as required by UTCR 6.080 by 12:00 PM two (2) court days prior to the date of the hearing or trial.  Printed copies of the Court must be placed in an envelope or box clearly marked "EXHIBITS" and on the face of which is printed the case number, case name, and the date and time of the hearing and delivered to the Court Information Windows at the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1100 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon.  A party may either provide the court with a self-addressed, pre-postage paid envelope to return the exhibits to the party following the scheduled hearing or trial or may pick-up the documents at the Court Information Window not more than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the hearing or trial.
  • Non-documentary exhibits provided to the court that are in electronic format, such as audio and video records, under CJO 23-028 (3) (b) (5) shall be placed in an envelope or box clearly marked "EXHIBITS" and on the face of which is printed the case number, case name, and the date and time of the hearing and delivered to the Court Information Windows at the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1100 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon by 12:00 PM two (2) court days prior to the date of the hearing or trial.  A party may either provide the court with a self-addressed, pre-postage paid envelope or box to return the exhibits to the party following the scheduled hearing or trial or may pick-up the documents at the Court Information Window not more than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the hearing or trial.  Please note that proprietary electronic formats require that the player be provided or that media be converted to a standard format.
  • Parties that wish to provide non-documentary exhibits that are physical objects must contact the court by telephone at 541-388-5300 prior to 2:00 PM three (3) days prior to the hearing or trial date for further instructions regarding the provision of the exhibits to the court and other parties.

Providing Exhibits to the Other Parties in the Case

  • All documentary and non-documentary (audio and video) exhibits that are provided to the court must also be provided to all the other parties by 5:00 PM two (2) court days prior to the date of the hearing or trial.
  • In cases where a protective order prohibits the provision of exhibits to another party in the case, the submitting party shall provide two copies of the exhibits to the Court under sections (1) (b) and (1) (c) above and the court will attempt to contact the other party and make arrangements for the provision of the exhibits to the party.
Exhibit List

Use the document below to list your exhibits.  This document must be filed with you exhibits and served on the other party.

EXH 1 - Exhibit List.pdf

Labeling Exhibits

Exhibits must be labeled with “Exhibit #" on the bottom right hand corner of each page of each exhibit. Pursuant to UTCR 6.080, exhibits must be labeled using the following system:

  • If you are the Plaintiff/Petitioner label exhibits - # 1 – 100
  • If you are the Defendant/Respondent label exhibits - # 101 - 199 

Presiding Judge Orders

The Presiding Judge has issued several Orders relating to the conduct of Court business during remote hearings.  Those orders can be found here (scroll down to Presiding Judge Orders).