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Remote Hearings

About Remote Hearings

Some hearings are held with one or more parties not physically present in the courtroom.  If the remote hearing is eligible for public viewing, it will be live-streamed through Webex Events (the software Oregon’s state courts use for this purpose). When available, live streaming allows the public to join and view and/or listen to these hearings from a computer, mobile device (such as a smartphone or tablet), or phone (subject to some limitations). Many remote hearings may also be available to view at a court facility. Contact the court with any questions on how to access a remote hearing.

 Information for Case Participants

Case participants are persons (litigants or defendants) who are parties in a case with pending matters to be resolved. When a case is scheduled for a remote hearing, some or all the participants, including attorneys and witnesses, may be required to appear via remote means. The court uses Webex to host these remote hearings and will provide case participants with the link to join the hearing. See our Litigant Guide for more information on preparing for and accessing your scheduled remote hearing.

 Specific Court Remote Hearing Information

Choose the location in the dropdown for specific information related to that court.


 Live Stream Proceedings

Visit our Live Stream Proceedings page for a live stream of a court proceeding remotely.

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Translated Resources

Remote Hearing Documentation


Documentos en español


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