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Local Remote Hearings

General Information

Most hearings are conducted in person, pursuant to  Presiding Judge Order 2022-03, effective March 12, 2022, and Presiding Judge Order 2023-04, effective September 27, 2023. 

Proceedings to be held remotely:

        • Probate citation hearings
        • FED First appearances
        • Juvenile Dependency and delinquency proceedings as provided in Presiding Judge Order 2021-15, effective October 28, 2021
        • Summary judgment hearings heard by a Plan B judge or the tax court judge sitting pro tem.  
        • Summary judgment hearings heard by the court’s sitting judges will be remote or in person at the discretion of the judge. 

All other proceedings will be in person.  Any lawyer or party may file a motion for remote appearance and/or remote testimony and that motion will be determined by the judge assigned to the matter, the judge assigned to address remote witness testimony, or the Presiding Judge, as applicable. 

Some hearings are held with one or more parties not physically present in the courtroom.  

If you are a defendant or party to a case, the Litigant Guide provides more information. There are also guides for the general public, witnesses, and attorneys.

 Receiving Notice of a Remote Hearing

When you are scheduled for a remote hearing, you will receive the link to join that hearing through a hearing notice and/or an email from the court or Webex.   Please refer to the Remote Hearing Document guides on this page for more information on remote hearings.

 Information for Case Participants

Case participants are persons (litigants or defendants) who are parties in a case with legal issues that are waiting to be resolved by the court. When a case is scheduled for a remote hearing, some or all of the participants, including attorneys and witnesses, may be required to appear remotely (by phone or video). The court uses Webex (a software program) to host these remote hearings. Webex may be joined from a computer, mobile device (smartphone or tablet) or by phone.

If you are a defendant or a party to a case, the Litigant Guide provides more information about remote hearings and Webex.

There are also guides for attorneys, witnesses, and the general public.

Receiving Notice of a Remote Hearing

You will be notified by the court if your hearing is scheduled to be remote. The court will request your email address to send you a Webex invitation/link for you to use to join the hearing on your scheduled date. Please refer to the hearing guides on this page for more information about Webex and remote hearings.

If you don't have a computer or smart device, let the clerk know. They can connect you to the remote hearing by calling you. See the Remote Hearing Contacts and Information below for email addresses and phone numbers.


If you have exhibits (document, object, or video/audio recording) for use as evidence during your upcoming trial or hearing, please file them with the court as much in advance of your hearing as possible.

For information about filing exhibits for your hearing, please visit our Exhibits Instructions page.

Remote Hearing Contacts and Information

For questions regarding your remote hearing, please contact the court as follows:

Technical Questions and to Schedule a Test Connection:

Exhibit Assistance or Questions:
Records Department

Phone: 503-655-8447 (select option 7) 

Remote Hearing Questions:

Criminal Remote Hearings

Phone: 503-655-8643 (select option 1)

Landlord Tenant Remote Hearings 
Phone:  503-655-8447 (select option 6)
Phone:   503-655-8447 (select option 4)

All Other Remote Hearings

Phone: 503-655-8643 (select option 2)