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Court Records - Home

Notice — Clackamas Court is Moving

Visit our New Courthouse Page for important updates, location details, and what to expect.

Opening May 19, 2025

1000 Courthouse Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 Map

Click here to learn more!

gavel with folder

503-655-8447 select option 7

Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays;


9 am - 4 pm 


8 am - 4 pm

807 Main Street, Room 12 Oregon City, Oregon 97045

IMPORTANT!  The courthouse will be moving
 to its new location effective 
May 19, 2025.

Visit our New Courthous​e page for important
details on office locations.​

Court records prior to December 2015 are not stored at the courthouse. For an older record, please call the court records team a minimum of three days in advance to make sure your file is available for viewing, as it may need to be brought from our off-site storage facility.  

Court documents filed with the court on or after December 4, 2015 are available for viewing in the Records Center (Room 12) on the public viewing stations.

IMPORTANT!  The courthouse will be moving
 to its new location effective May 19, 2025.

Visit our New Courthous​e page for important
details on office locations.​

Copy requests may be made in person in the Records Center (Room 12), through the mail, or by email.

  • In person requests may be made by going to the Records Center, which is located on the ground floor of the Courthouse, Room 12.  
  • Requests by mail may be made to 
    Clackamas County Circuit Court
    807 Main Street, Room 12
    Oregon City, OR   97045

If you are unable to come to the courthouse, you can request records by completing the Clackamas County Circuit Court Public Records Request form. Please click here to view and submit the Public Records Request Form​.

Please include as much of the following information on the form in order to process your request as quickly as possible:

  • Case name; 
  • Case number; 
  • List of document(s) you want copied 
    • Please specify if certification and/or exemplification is requested and for which documents. 


The cost for obtaining copies is as follows: 

  • Copies:  .25 ¢ per page.
  • Certified Copies:  $5.00 for a certified copy (in addition to the per page copy charge).
  • Exemplified Copies:  $10.00 for an exemplified copy (in addition to the per page copy charge).

We may charge additional amounts for staff time and other actual costs when responding to requests that require additional services or more than the normal and reasonable time for routine requests, including: 

  • Time we spend to locate, compile, and sort requested records, even if we find no records that respond to your request or the records we do find are exempt from disclosure; 
  • Time we spend to review requested records and redact any exempt material; 
  • Time we spend to copy requested records; 
  • Time we spend returning documents to files; 
  • Time we spend to supervise inspection by the requester; 
  • Necessary research time we spend preparing correspondence related to your request; and 
  • Special copy services and mailing services for documents that are not of standard size or for voluminous requests. 

Clackamas County Circuit Court will accept the following forms of payment: Credit or Debit card, Personal check, Cashier check, Money Order (Two Party checks are not accepted), Cash (do not send cash in the mail).  

Note:  You may make payment over the phone with a credit card, in person at the Record Center, or through the mail.  If you are making payment by check and do not know the exact amount of copies to be made, send a blank check made payable to the State of Oregon, and in the memo line, write “Not to Exceed” and an amount you believe will cover the cost of the copies.  Records staff will then fill in the exact amount and send the receipt, along with the copies, in the self-addressed, stamped envelope you have provided for that purpose. 

Delivery of Documents

Payment for copy requests is due immediately upon completion and prior to your documents being delivered by one of the following options:

  • Send a check to cover the cost for your request as well as a self-addressed, stamped envelope large enough to return the copies to you (a #10 envelope can hold approximately 5 pages; 6" x 9" envelope can hold approximately 25 pages). 
  • Arrange to pick up your documents in person at the Records Center. 
  • Email

Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in your request being returned to you.