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Oregon Judicial Department Logo

Court Appointed Attorney

Notice — Clackamas Court is Moving

Visit our New Courthouse Page for important updates, location details, and what to expect.

Opening May 19, 2025

1000 Courthouse Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 Map

Click here to learn more!

Attorney at desk with lady justice

Indigent Defense Clerk
Phone: 503-655-8451
Fax: 503-650-8947

Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays:

Public Counter:  

9 am - 4 pm


8 am - 4 pm


807 Main Street, Room 104
Oregon City, Oregon 97045


Persons who are charged with a crime and who cannot afford to hire an attorney may request the court appoint an attorney at state expense. In addition, a court appointed attorney may be requested in a juvenile dependency (abuse or neglect), termination of parental rights, or juvenile delinquency proceeding.
Persons who are involved in a civil proceeding, such as domestic relations matter, personal injury, landlord / tenant, bankruptcy and employment cases are not eligible for legal representation at state expense.
A person is financially eligible for court appointed attorney at state expense if the person is “unable to retain adequate counsel without substantial hardship in providing basic economic necessities to the person or the person’s dependent family”. The court shall order individuals with sufficient financial resources to pay in full or in part the administrative costs of determining eligibility and the anticipated costs of representation. A clerk will review the application for court appointed attorney to determine a person’s financial eligibility and their ability to pay an application fee and if appropriate a contribution amount towards the court appointed attorney.

Application Process

If you would like to apply for court appointed attorney you will need to complete an Affidavit of Eligibility. If you are out of custody, you may apply in person at the Indigent Defense window on the first floor of the Courthouse. If you are in custody, a clerk of the court will contact you at the jail, or you may request court appointed counsel at your first court appearance. There is typically a $20.00 application fee, and depending on your financial situation the court may charge an additional contribution amount.
If you are eligible for court appointed attorney you will need to call 503-722-4000 to find out who your attorney will be and how to contact your attorney.

Application for Court
Appointed Attorney

  1. Complete the attached application.
  2. Provide a telephone number to call you if we have questions.
  3. Submit your application to the court by one of the following methods:
  • Email:
  • FAX: 503-650-8947
  • Mail: 807 Main Street, Room 104 Attn: Court Appointed Attorney, Oregon City, OR 97045
  • Drop off: Drop box located in the room 104 door.

Solicitud de Abogado Designado por la Corte

  1. Complete la solicitud adjunta.
  2. Proporcione un número de teléfono para llamarlo si tenemos preguntas.
  3. Presente su solicitud ante el tribunal por uno de los siguientes métodos:
  • Correo electró
  • FAX: 503-650-8947
  • Correo: 807 Main Street, Room 104 Attn: Court Appointed Attorney, Oregon City, OR 97045
  • Buzón : Buzón de entrega ubicado en la puerta de la habitación 104.

Court Appointed Attorney (ORS 151.485, ORS 151.487)

 Additional Resources:

Clackamas Indigent Defense Corporation