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Family Law Self Help

Notice — Clackamas Court is Moving

Visit our New Courthouse Page for important updates, location details, and what to expect.

Opening May 19, 2025

1000 Courthouse Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 Map

Click here to learn more!

Child holding guardians hand

Family Law Self Help Program

Phone for Appointments: 971-396-0560


Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, from 9 am  – 4pm (closed 12-1 pm for lunch)


807 Main Street, Room 104
Oregon City, Oregon 97045

What does the Family Law Facilitator do?

  • Reviews forms you have filled out to check that they are complete
  • Explains the court process
  • Gives information about local resources and organizations

What are things the facilitator can't do?

  • Cannot tell you what to put on your forms and fill out your forms for you
  • Cannot give you legal advice, legal opinion, or legal strategy
  • Cannot assist people who are represented by an attorney
  • Does not represent you and is not your lawyer
Family law cases involve important decisions and may have complex legal issues that are difficult to handle without a lawyer.  If you think your legal issues may be more complex, we recommend you seek the advice of an attorney.

Who does the facilitator assist?

  • Anyone who is acting as their own attorney (self-represented) who is involved in a family law case, such as a dissolution of marriage (divorce), legal separation, and cases between unmarried parents for custody, parenting time, and child support
  • People of any income level
  • Both parties in a case:  The facilitator can provide the same assistance to the other part as they do to you.

Do I need an appointment?  How do I make one?

Yes, you need to make an appointment.  Your appointment can be in person at the courthouse or online using Webex (an app like Zoom). 

To make an appointment, email or call 971-396-0560.

Where do I get the forms and what do I do before an appointment?  

You can purchase a forms packet in person at the Information Center on the first floor of the courthouse or download the forms and print them yourself here.  

Before your appointment, you must fill out the forms to the best of your ability.

Where is the facilitator and what does it cost?  

The facilitator is located on the ground floor of the courthouse and the services are free.  If you need a packet of forms, you can buy them at the Information Center on the first floor of the courthouse for a small fee (usually $2 to $5),  or download the forms and print them yourself here.  

What do I do when I get to the courthouse?  

When you get to the courthouse for your appointment, check in with the Information Center on the first floor and they will direct you to the facilitator's office.

Where are some other resources?