How exhibits are submitted in Clackamas County Circuit Court depends on how the hearing or trial will be held. Exhibits for in-person hearings, in most cases, must be submitted in the courtroom at the time of the scheduled appearance. There are exceptions for juvenile cases and post-conviction relief cases. Exhibits for hearings that are held remotely via Webex should be electronically submitted by authorized eFilers. Please see Exhibits for Remote hearings below for additional detailed information on those processes.
Exhibits for All Hearings
If your hearing is scheduled to be conducted in-person, you will need to submit your pre-marked exhibits to the court at the time of trial.
Please see the Uniform Trial Court Rules (UTCR) requirements regarding exhibits (*exceptions noted below).
UTCR 11.110 for rules related to filing exhibits in juvenile court cases.
UTCR 24.040(3)(a) for rules related to filing exhibits in post-conviction relief cases.
You must label all exhibits and provide an exhibit list/index. Click the links below and follow the steps outlined in the "Instructions for Labeling Hearing or Trial Exhibits" document, and to access the Exhibits Index Form.
If your hearing is scheduled to be conducted in-person, you will need to submit your pre-marked exhibits to the court at the time of trial. If your hearing is being conducted remotely, please see below for additional information.
Important reminders:
- All exhibits must be served on all parties in the case. Read
Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9 for service requirements (
- To be fully prepared for your hearing, bring two copies with you to court, in addition to your copy (one for the judge, one for the other party).
- You are encouraged to provide the other party a copy of the exhibits as far in advance to the hearing/trial date in any way possible. That could be emailing, mailing (please provide 10 days for mailing), or hand delivering to the other party.
Important Note Regarding No-contact Orders: If contact between parties is prohibited by a court order, refer to that order for guidance before sharing exhibits. If unable to share exhibits ahead of time, copies can be provided in court.
Audio/Video Exhibits
Parties must provide all audio/video exhibit files on a thumb drive to the Records Department. It is required that exhibit files be submitted at least a minimum of one (1) hour prior the start of the hearing or trial. This process is necessary for file security screening and to ensure compatibility with the court technology systems.
NOTE: If at all possible, it is recommended that audio/video exhibits be submitted the day before the proceedings.
Exhibits for Remote Hearings Instructions
Remote appearances are only allowed if a judge has signed an order granting remote appearances for that specific hearing. For information regarding requesting a remote hearing, please refer to the
Local Remote Hearings page.
If no such order has been granted, please appear in person, and refer to the instructions above for filing exhibits.
Only if your hearing is scheduled to be conducted
remotely (via Webex virtual meeting platform), please follow the instructions below for filing exhibits either electronically or conventionally (in person or through the mail). (see
Presiding Judge Order 2022-05 for additional detail).
IMPORTANT: While exhibits for remote hearings may be received in a different format than an in-person hearing, requirements for serving the other party and the admission of exhibits remain the same. Read Oregon Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 9 for service requirements (
File & Serve:
All documentary exhibits that can be converted to a PDF format may be submitted through
File & Serve. If you do not already have one, you will need to register for an eFiling account.
- E-Filed exhibits should be filed at least 24 hours in advance of Circuit Court proceeding that is scheduled to be remote. Contact the Records Unit at 503-655-8447 (ext. 7) or for special handling instructions, if unable to meet this deadline.
- The submission of documentary exhibits through the eFiling system must comply with OJD's eFiling rules outlined in UTCR 21.040(1), (2), and (4), to the extent applicable, except that the court may direct multiple exhibits in a particular proceeding be submitted as separate eFiled documents.
- Documentary exhibits submitted as a unified single PDF file must:
- Be in text-searchable PDF format.
- Not exceed 25 MB. (If your file will exceed 25 MB, please contact the Records Department for assistance with alternative methods of filing, see SFTP information below.) If filing must be split into multiple PDF’s, there must be an exhibit list or index linked to each exhibit.
- Be accompanied by an index that identifies each exhibit, located at the beginning of the submission, and each identified exhibit must be electronically linked to the index*; and
- Include an electronic bookmark for each exhibit*.
- Scan your numbered exhibits in behind the Exhibit Index as one document.
- Use the filing code “Exhibit – EB."
- You must select “Confidential" document security.
SFTP Server
All exhibits that cannot be converted to PDF format (audio, video, and/or some images, as well as PDFs that are larger than 25 MB) may be submitted contact-free through OJD's secure SFTP server through the file request system.
- To use this system, send an email to and let the court know you would like to submit exhibits for an upcoming hearing through the SFTP file request system.
- You will receive a secure email from the Oregon Judicial Department with a link for you to “Send Requested Files."
- Exhibits filed through the SFTP server should be listed on the Exhibit Index you filed conventionally or electronically.
IMPORTANT! The courthouse will be moving
to its new location effective May 19, 2025.
Visit our New Courthouse page for important
details on office locations.
- Please follow the instructions above for labeling and numbering exhibits and
- Complete an Exhibit Index.
- You may mail or take your exhibits to:
Clackamas County Circuit Court, 807 Main St., Attention: Records Center Rm 12, Oregon City, OR 97045.