Notice — Clackamas Court is Moving
Visit our
New Courthouse Page for important updates, location details, and what to expect.
May 19, 2025
1000 Courthouse Road, Oregon City, OR 97045
here to learn more!
Pretrial Services
Phone: 971-233-3524
Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays:
9 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 4:30 pm
807 Main Street, Room 12
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Clackamas County Circuit Court Pretrial Services
Our Mission
Provide pretrial justice and enhance community safety using evidence-based release practices, monitoring compliance, building partnerships, and promoting the fair, impartial, and just treatment of persons charged with a crime, who are on pretrial release.
Travel Request
If you are planning to travel outside of the state of Oregon, please fill out the travel request form and either deliver the form in person to the Pretrial Services Office or mail the form to the address above.
If you have questions about filling out the form, please contact a release assistance officer at
971-233-3524. To submit a travel permit, click
here to access the form.
Pretrial Services provide supportive resources and referrals, monitor compliance while on release, and report to the court. For legal questions pertaining to the details of a case, please contact your attorney.
The Pretrial phase of a criminal case occurs after a person is arraigned and during the time the person is awaiting trial. The goal of Pretrial Services is to assist the court to determine if someone charged with a crime can be released into the community while the case is pending. Pretrial Release is monitored until disposition of the case.
Pretrial Services allows individuals charged with crimes a reasonable opportunity to remain employed, in school, continue health services and remain out of custody, while agreeing to terms and conditions ordered by the court. These conditions include the expectation that they will attend all future hearings.
Pretrial Services staff consist of Release Assistance Officers (RAOs) who make recommendations to the court regarding release and conditions based on a person's criminal history and other factors such as ties to the community. The RAO provides supervision by monitoring an individual’s release conditions to assure court attendance and compliance with conditions of the court order. They can also connect individuals with resources in the community that will assist in maintaining stability and helping them to move forward with their case.
Any violation of release conditions may result in a warrant and revocation of release. That could mean being held in custody until the case is resolved. Contempt of Court Charges may also be filed for violation of a release condition. Any questions regarding the conditions of release may be directed to the Pretrial Services office.
- Individual is either arrested and held in custody or cited on new alleged criminal charges
- Individual will await an Arraignment hearing
- If in custody, Arraignment will be set for the next judicial day.
- If cited to appear in court by the District Attorney, the cite letter will show the date of Arraignment.
- The judge will issue an order at the Arraignment hearing after considering
- the classification and details of the alleged crime(s),
- input from the Prosecutor and Defense Counsels, and
- recommendations from a Release Assistance Officer, if applicable.
- During the pretrial phase, the individual is expected to
- maintain contact with their attorney
- appear at all scheduled hearings, and
- remain law-abiding and compliant with conditions of their release.
- The Pretrial phase is complete once the criminal case reaches its conclusion (disposition).
**Monitored individuals must check-in within one judicial day of release from custody.**
Please check in at the Records Center (Room 12).
- You will report in-person to Pretrial Services for Intake or call to make an appointment.
- You will meet with a Release Assistance Officer to
- ensure the court has your updated contact information, and
- help identify any barriers to your success while on Pretrial Release.
- Pretrial Services staff will assist with setting up CaselinkPro™ for future phone check in appointments.
- Pretrial Services staff will review the terms and conditions of your release.
- You will sign an acknowledgment of expectations while on Pretrial Monitoring.
IMPORTANT! The courthouse will be moving
to its new location effective May 19, 2025.
details on office locations.
Pretrial Contact Information
Main Number: 971-233-3524
The Pretrial Services check-in is located in the Records Center (Room 12).
The court is unable to provide parking for those coming to the court. Parking is very limited in the area around the courthouse and you are encouraged to ride the bus. There is parking at the Municipal Parking Lot at 1220 Main Street (between 13th Street and Main Street), that is approximately five blocks from the courthouse. Please go to the Oregon City Downtown Parking Information page for additional information. Please allow extra time for finding parking.
Free Parking off High Street/Municipal Elevator
Another option is parking off of High Street and taking the Municipal Elevator, which is free, down to the courthouse. Any street parking up there that is not marked (near the school – St. John the Apostle) is an option.
Oregon City Parking Lot
The Oregon City parking lot is $5/day. The metered options in the downtown area are not a good idea for a full day of work. When the meter is up (2 or 4 hours), you are required to move your car as opposed to just plugging the meter again.