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Juvenile Records Requests

Due to the confidentialy of Juvenile cases, only parties to the case and their attorneys may request certain case records.

Paper records may exclude confidentially managed court records. 
Audio records require finding of good cause.

Who Can Receive a Copy?

  • The child/youth and parent
  • Victim in a delinquency case
  • Attorneys for parties (including prospective)
  • Juvenile Department, DHS, OYA, CASA, CRB, DOJ, and the District Attorney
  • “Any other person or entity” allowed by the court through motion and declaration.

Copy Costs

Parties to a case do NOT have to pay for paper or audio records. “Any other person or entity” allowed by the court through a motion and declaration is responsible for paying copy costs prior to processing as follows:

  • Audio Records: $11.00 per CD
  • Paper Records: 25 cents per page
  • Certified Copies: $5.00 + per page copy charge

To Request a Copy on a Closed Case or if not a Party on the Case:

  • Complete Motion & Proposed Order to release juvenile records.
  • Submit filing to the Circuit Court
  • A statement detailing requestor's relation to the child/youth/case, specific documents or hearing sessions requested, and reason why the person or entity is requesting release of records
  • If "Any Other Person or Entity" under ORS 419A.255, the Motion/Declaration must be served upon all parties and attorneys of record to the proceeding, providing written notice to the court under ORS 419B.851 & ORS 419B.854, or if unknown, the court is required to mail notice of time to object to a party or attorney of record at their last known address.

For information on Juvenile Records, please visit Juvenile Court Records Access Rule and Releasing Juvenile Court Records. For other questions on how to access Juvenile Records, please contact the court