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Oregon Judicial Department Logo

Other Court Resources - Home

Domestic Violence Resources
The Oregon Judicial Department website has resources to assist those dealing with domestic violence.

Filing Fee
View Fee Schedule

Grant County Courthouse Law Library 
The Law Library is located on the 2nd floor of the courthouse in the lobby.

Harney County Courthouse Law Library
The Law Library is located on the 2nd floor of the courthouse in the hallway of the District Attorney’s Office. 

Local Mediation Program Information:

NOTE: ORS 36.185 requires the below form to be provided in all civil cases regardless of whether a court has local court-based mediation services.

Court location: Grant and Harney Counties

Civil Mediation programs:
• Small claims: None
• Landlord tenant: None

Online Legal Resources
Oregon Law Help provides free legal information and helps Oregonians find free or affordable legal help.

Public Access Computers-Oregon Judicial Case Information Network (OJCIN)
The court provides one OJCIN computer kiosk on the 2nd floor of the courthouse which is available to the public. Statewide Circuit Court case information and most filed documents can be reviewed for most cases (state and federal law require courts to protect some information). For copies of documents from cases please submit a Copy Request Form. 

State Bar Resources and How to Find a Lawyer 
The Oregon State Bar has a number of resources to find a lawyer for various types of needs.