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Criminal Cases

 Criminal Division

Jackson County Circuit Court presides over felony, misdemeanor, probation violations, and violation (includes traffic) cases. The criminal clerk’s office is located on the first floor of the Jackson County Justice Building in Medford, Oregon.

​If you are charged with a criminal offense or are a party in a juvenile case, you may be eligible to be represented by an attorney at the state’s expense. A court appointed attorney may be requested in a juvenile dependency (abuse or neglect), termination of parental rights, or juvenile delinquency proceedings. Persons who are involved in a civil proceeding, such as a divorce, personal injury, landlord/tenant or employment cases are not eligible for legal representation at state expense.

You must complete an application in person or through Guide and File. A $20 application fee and a contribution amount may be assessed depending on your financial ability to pay. A clerk will review your application and if you qualify for an attorney, you will be given the information on how to contact the attorney.

Fees may be imposed as financial obligations at the time of disposition of your case and regardless of the outcome of your case.

DUII Diversion Forms 

The District Attorney's office will determine if a defendant is eligible for the DUII Diversion Program. Once you enter a Guilty/ No Contest plea, the Court will require you to fill out a DUII Diversion Petition/Agreement and Declaration. This is your agreement with the Court. If you fulfill everything in the petition/declaration, your DUII charge will be dismissed.

The defendant will be required to get processed at the jail before formally entering the Diversion Program. Failing to do so will result in the Court not signing the Diversion Order and the defendant will be required to appear in Court again.

The Diversion Program has a court fee of $490. If the defendant cannot afford to pay these fees, they can tell the Judge. The Judge may waive a portion of the fee or allow the defendant to make monthly payments depending on their financial situation.

Defendants may be required to complete a Victim Impact Panel (VIP). Please click on the following link for more information​. This is to be completed within 60 days of entering into the Diversion Program. VIP course information​​

Defendants who enter into the Diversion Program will be required to install an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in any vehicle operated by the defendant during the period of the agreement when the defendant has driving privileges. If the defendant is required to operate an employer-owned motor vehicle, an IID need not be installed if the defendant notifies employer of the IID requirement and has written proof of the notification. Any costs associated with leasing, installing, maintaining, and/or removing the device must be paid to the provider who installed the device. If you are unable to afford the costs associated with the device, please check with the Department of Transportation for a waiver and/or deferment of fees.

Defendants will be required to complete an evaluation with Jackson County Community Justice to determine their treatment options and length of treatment. Please visit their website for more information on the evaluation and alcohol/drug treatment providers available.

​Effective September 1, 2024, House Bill 4002 introduces changes to controlled substance laws by reclassifying possession offenses as Drug Enforcement Misdemeanors (DEM). It creates a treatment-focused approach by allowing eligible individuals to enter a conditional discharge probation agreement. The term of the probation agreement is initially 12 months, with early termination possible upon successful completion of treatment. Violations of the probation agreement may result in up to 30 days of sanctions.

Successful completion of the conditional discharge probation agreement results in dismissal of charges with prejudice, while violations can lead to resumed criminal proceedings and potential conviction. For DEM convictions, defendants shall be placed on supervised probation up to 18 months which may be extended at the defendant's request. Alternatively, subject to authorization of the court, a defendant may request to serve up to 180 days in jail in lieu of the probationary sentence, with early release to treatment programs. If a defendant is placed on supervised probation but subsequently has probation revoked, the court may impose up to 180 days in jail but must allow for early release to treatment programs. Time spent in treatment counts toward the sentence, and credit is given for time already served.

The bill prohibits courts from imposing fines, costs, assessments, or attorney fees as part of the judgment of conviction. Instead, it emphasizes treatment and rehabilitation as alternatives to punitive measures.

​Exhibits filed with the court may or may not be released after the court proceeding in which they are filed. If not released the court must hold the exhibits until all statutory time requirements have been met.

Parties (or their attorney) filing exhibits will be notified when the exhibits are ready to be released. Exhibits may be picked up at the jury window on the first floor of the Jackson County Justice Building, 100 South Oakdale, Medford, Oregon

Click here for an overview of the most common Aid & Assist forms​. This document provides an explanation of when the form is used and includes links to the forms.

The Oregon State Hospital also provides a list of Evaluation Order Templates for the most commonly requested evaluation types: Oregon State Hospital Aid and Assist Forms

The page includes order templates related to Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 161.315, ORS 161.365, and ORS 161.370.​

​Return from Oregon State Hospital (OSH) - When a defendant returns from OSH, the Court orders that the community mental health director or the director's designee consult with the defendant to determine whether services and supervision necessary to safely restore the defendant's fitness to proceed are available in the community pursuant to ORS 161.370 (9)(b).

In-person Victim Impact Panel classes are held:
1st Wednesday of each month
At the Smullin Center at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
2825 E. Barnett Rd, Medford​
6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Check-In starts at 6:00 PM

To register, email ​​.​
For more information, please read the VIP Course Handout​.

Anyone wishing to complete the online course instead of attending in person must obtain court approval first.

Online Victim Impact (VIP) Classes

  • Choose a program from the list below that best fits your needs
  • Follow the link provided to register online
  • When registering, include your case number information
  • You will have 60 DAYS to complete the course unless otherwise ordered
  • Mail or bring in your certificate of completion to the court

*If the court does not receive a certificate of completion by the court ordered completion date, a non-compliance will be recorded on your case.

MADD Oregon Impact
Registration Information


​Call Customer Service:



English & Spanish online registration option

Cost for Course$50.00


50% Off Discount Code: JCC$25

Computer/Tablet/Smartphone Compatible


Facial Recognition Software

Yes – Camera may be requiredNo

Bilingual Course Option

Yes – SpanishYes – Spanish

Hearing Impaired Course Option

Yes – Closed Caption

Yes –Sign Language & Closed Caption

Bilingual Customer ServiceYes


Updated July 23, 2020

Court staff is not permitted to give legal advice or advise you about which forms need to be filed. Parties should contact an attorney, research the issue themselves or request the aid of an attorney.
Phone: 541-776-7171 ext. 35030

Set Aside of Criminal Record / Arrest Forms

Procedures for Setting Aside your Arrest Record or Conviction

Determine if your conviction or record of arrest is eligible to be set aside. Refer to Oregon Revised Statute ORS 137.225

You CANNOT be on any form of probation for the CONVICTION that you are requesting to be set aside.

Effective 1/1/2010, traffic related charges that are not convicted will be eligible to be set aside. The exception is a DUII Diversion charge that results in a dismissal is not eligible to be set aside.

Deliver copies of the following forms and to the District Attorney office at 815 West 10th Street, Medford, OR 97501 - Telephone: 541-774-8181

  • Copy of Motion to Set Aside and Seal Arrest record for each arrest and/or for each case that includes a conviction, acquittal, or dismissal

File the original documents with the Court at 100 S. Oakdale, Medford, OR, 97501 - Telephone: 541-776-7171
You must prepare separate documents for each arrest and/or for each case that includes a conviction/acquittal/dismissal.

  • Original Motion to Set Aside and Seal Arrest record for each arrest and/or for each case that includes a conviction, acquittal, or dismissal​

Deliver the original fingerprint card to the Department of State Police at 4500 Rogue Valley Highway, Central Point, OR 97502.

The State Police will use the fingerprint card to make a positive identification of the defendant to determine if you had prior criminal cases set aside/sealed and to determine if you have any outstanding warrants.​

If you were convicted, the DA’s office will file an Answer to the motion to set aside/seal with the clerk’s office. The Answer will state either that the DA’s office has no objection to the Motion, or if there is an objection, the Answer will set out the specific reasons for the objection. The DA’s office will provide a copy of the Answer to you or your attorney. The Circuit Court judge will make a decision on your motion. You or your attorney will be mailed a copy of the Order. The Court will distribute copies of the Order to the appropriate agencies who will then comply by sealing their records.

A finger print card may be obtained at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office Monday through Thursday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. There is a fee for this service. If you reside outside of Jackson County, please contact your local police agency for a fingerprint card.

  • Sign all documents where your signature is required.
  • You must sign the affidavit in the presence of a Notary Public. Do not sign the affidavit if you have been convicted of a crime within the time period applicable to the charges you are requesting to set aside. If you sign the affidavit and have a criminal conviction within the time period, this will be considered false swearing and will result in a criminal proceeding.
    • Class B Felony - seven (7) years
    • Class C Felony - five (5) years
    • Class A Misdemeanor - three (3) years
    • Class B or C Misdemeanor, Violation, or finding of Contempt of Court - one (1) year
  • Make sure that your name and address appear in the blanks provided.
  • Always retain a copy of all documents for your records.
  • A copy of all documents filed with the court must be served on the District Attorney’s office at 815 West 10th, Medford, OR 97501.
  • The finger print card must be served on the Department of State Police at 4500 Rogue Valley Highway, Central Point, OR 97502 along with a processing fee. 
    • ​Only one processing fee is required per criminal record check, regardless of the number of counties in which the person is filing a motion to set aside. A copy of the criminal record check shall be delivered to the prosecuting attorney.
  • You must submit all original documents to the Jackson County Circuit Court, Criminal Section, 100 South Oakdale, Medford, OR 97501.