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​Family Law - Self Represented Center


The purpose of the Family Law Resource Center is to assist the increasing number of self-represented litigants in domestic relations cases (divorce, custody, or parenting time proceedings).  This service is part of a state-wide effort to improve the accessibility of the court system to the public.  
This service is for people who are representing themselves in a family law court action.  Our Family Law Facilitator informs self-represented (pro se) litigants of court processes and available court forms, review state or county approved documents, and provide information about legal services and other resources available in the community
The Family Law Facilitator is not an attorney and cannot do any of the following: provide legal advice, tell you what legal action to take, fill out forms for you, or plan court strategy.  The Family Law Facilitator assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or legal effects of the information contained in any written or verbal instructions or forms.
Please be aware that the facilitator may also assist the opposing party.  Any meetings or conversations you have with our facilitator are not confidential.
Domestic relations cases involve making important decisions and often involve complex legal issues that are difficult to handle without an attorney.  Your rights may be substantially affected.  You are strongly encouraged to seek legal assistance from an attorney.  This is especially true in situations where you have been married for 10 or more years, you or your spouse have a retirement plan, own real property, have young children, or if either you or your spouse have significant health problems.

Hours and Location

Resource Center office hours are:
Monday – Friday
8:00AM - 4:00PM

Jackson County Justice Building – Basement level
100 S. Oakdale Ave, Medford, OR  97501

Please have all forms filled out completely before meeting with a facilitator. 

You may email, or call 541-776-7171, option 4.  If you call or email, please include the following information in your message: name, telephone number, case number (if assigned), and the issue or case type.

Online Legal Resource:
Oregon Law Help

Oregon Law Help provides free legal information and helps Oregonians find free or affordable legal help.

Oregon Law Help (ES) proporciona información legal gratuita y ayuda a los residentes de Oregon a encontrar ayuda legal gratuita o asequible.