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Courtroom Technology

image of a gavel on a laptop keyboard Courtroom Technology

The Jackson County Circuit Court is committed to providing fair, accessible, and timely justice to promote the rule of law, protect individual rights, and resolve conflicts. In support of that commitment, Jackson County and the Circuit Court have entered into a partnership to provide courtroom technologies to:
  • Improve the quality of courtroom litigation
  • Reduce litigant costs
  • Improve access to justice
  • Increase courtroom security
  • Strengthen public trust and confidence

Courtroom Technologies and Services are available to parties without cost, subject to the following conditions:

  • Advanced scheduling and availability of the equipment
  • Advanced testing of private devices and media (Technology Testing Information PDF)
  • Attendance at court provided multi-media training

​ADA approved, integrated, wireless assisted listening devices are available in each courtroom. Request a device from the courtroom clerk. All assisted listening devices must be returned to the courtroom clerk at the end of each day.

Jackson County Circuit Court ADA Accessibility ​

​To schedule training or testing of private equipment or media contact: Ryan or Jessica at 541-776-7171 ext. 71173 or 71099.

​For testing details, refer to the Technology Testing Information PDF​.

  • Wireless Internet Access
    • The court offers publicly accessible wireless Internet access in most areas of the courthouse, but cannot guarantee access, availability, or speed and does not provide technical support to users of the publicly available wireless network.
    • Select ‘OJD Guest Wi-Fi’ and ‘Accept’ the OJD Guest Wireless use policy statement. Devices that cannot open a web page (like Apple TV) it will not access the internet.
  • IP Videoconference Equipment (H.323 compatible)

    All requests to appear for a hearing via telephone must be pre-approved by a Judge
    • Polycom video conference systems are available in all Courtrooms.
      • User is required to setup far-end video conference location. Include that information in your schedule request.
      • During the hearing the Court will place the call to the remote location.
    • Polycom video conferencing is available at many Oregon Correctional Facilities.
      • Contact Court scheduling for more information.
  • Display Digital Evidence

    Choice of display available: 55” HDTV or Ceiling-Mounted Projector Screen
    • Elmo – Reserve a Court supplied unit to digitally display photos or documents.
    • Counsel Laptop – Connect your personal laptop at any counsel table for PowerPoint Presentations, or to display content accessible from your laptop.
      • Please bring your HDMI and/or VGA cables to connect to the counsel table.
      • User must supply any required adaptors (e.g. Display port to HDMI).
  • Audio
    • Present audio evidence from any device via 3.5 audio cables or through HDMI cable.
      • ​Please bring your cables with you to connect to the counsel table.
    • ADA approved, integrated, wireless assisted listening devices are available in each courtroom. 
      Request a device from the courtroom clerk. All assisted listening devices must be returned to the courtroom clerk at the end of each day.
    • Integrated Telephone Conferencing system;
      • All requests to appear for a hearing via telephone must be pre-approved by a Judge.
      • All request requiring more than two outgoing lines requires advanced scheduling.
      • A calling card must be presented for long distance calls to be made from the courtroom for Civil Cases.

​To use any courtroom technology, parties are required to:

  • Contact the appropriate Jackson County clerk a minimum of seven days in advance of the hearing:
  • Provide the court with the following:
    • Case name and number.
    • Date and time of court proceeding.
    • Specific technologies you plan on using.
    • Additionally, video conferencing requires the name of the facility, contact persons information to arrange for testing, IP address, date and approximate time of the appearance.
  • Parties must have working knowledge and appropriate access to their equipment; and must be present to operate their equipment during technology tests.
  • The Courts Information Technology Specialists cannot change device configurations on non-court equipment; parties must have their technical support staff present or available for remote assistance during technology tests.
  • No exceptions will be made to these requirements.