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Family Law

Gavel with binder that says Family Court

The circuit court handles requests for divorce, separation, custody, parenting time, child and spousal support, parenting time enforcement, and other matters involving families. We strongly recommend that parties consult a lawyer before filing a court case. Please see our Forms section for statewide forms for filing, as well as fee deferral and waiver applications. Please reference the Fee Schedule to see any applicable filing fees.

​The purpose of the Family Law Department is to help self-represented litigants in domestic relations cases (divorce, custody, or parenting time proceedings). The program is part of a statewide effort to improve the accessibility of the court system to the public. Self-help information is not legal advice. Oregon law prevents us from offering legal advice to the public. Family Law Facilitators operate under the provisions of Oregon Revised Statute 3.428. It is important to note that as a self-represented litigant, you are acting as your own attorney. Although this service may aid you in that, it is not a replacement for valuable legal advice.

Facilitators Can

  • Provide information on how to find forms and how to complete them
  • Provide information about court procedures, rules, and other educational materials
  • Refer to agencies and resources that provide legal and other services
  • Provide document review to make sure forms are complete

Facilitators Cannot

  • Provide legal advice or opinion
  • Fill out your papers or tell you what to write on them
  • Assist people who are represented by lawyers
  • Tell you what kind of case to file
  • Provide information to one party that would not be given to all other parties

​Our Family Law Department is open from 8:00am to 5:00pm.  During this time, you may purchase family law forms or request assistance from a facilitator.  You may schedule an appointment with a faciltator for review of your family law forms.  If you would like a document review, you must first fill out your forms as completely as possible.  Once you have completed your forms you may schedule an appointment by contacting the Family Law Department by phone at 503-373-4349 or email at  If you would prefer a virtual appointment, please visit Greater Oregon Facilitation Initiative (GOFI).​

Can I file online?

·        ​​​ N​ew cases can be filed online using our Guide & File system for divorce separation and custody here.

·        Respondents in new divorce separation and custody cases can also be filed using Guide & File here.

·         Family law motions to modify can also be filed and are found here.

Users can also file online using OJD eFile. The user must create their own document and upload it into the system.  Documents to be filed must be separated into individual PDF files and attached with the name of each filing.  If you have any questions about the type of document to name your filing, you may call Family Law at 503-373-4349.

Can I file by mail?

Yes.  Forms are available online here.  Forms can be printed, filled out and then sent to:

Marion County Circuit Court
P.O. Box 12869
Salem, OR 97309


Most filings require a filing fee.  Fees can be paid by check or money order made payable to “The State of Oregon”. Check for your fee here (starting on page 6, DOMESTIC RELATIONS or page 11, MOTIONS IN DOMESTIC RELATIONS CASES) or call Family Law at 503-373-4349​.​

​​Mano a Mano
2921 Saddle Club St SE #1009
Salem, OR 97317

​​Mano a Mano
3850 Portland Rd. NE #130
Salem, OR 97301

Marion Polk Legal Aid
280 Liberty Street SE, Suite 320​
Salem, OR 97301

Oregon State Bar Association
16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road
Tigard, OR 97224

​Filings that address custody, parenting time, or child support must have a Child Support Calculator, Parenting Plan, and Certificate of attendance for COPE (a one-time, four-hour seminar provided for parents who are going through divorce or separation).

The Child Support Calculator - Minimum wage is the minimum income for the child support calculator.

Basic Parenting Plans - For the most recent parenting plan, please use the Model Parenting Plan SLR 8.075.

Children in Between - A parenting plan for parents going through  divorce or separation. **This is no longer required unless ordered by the court but is recommended.

​Mediation is a process that allows parents to work out a plan that sets out the child's schedule with each parent, and specifies how decisions about the child will be made. A mediator is a neutral party appointed by the court, typically at Mediation Orientation. There is no fee for the first eight hours of the mediator's time.

Before you see the mediator, the court will schedule you to attend Mediation Orientation. This is a time for you to learn more about the process and a mediator will be formally appointed to your case. 

When you come to court, you will hear a judge speak and you will view an orientation video​. 

If you have a No Contact or Protective Order in place with the other party, please let the Mediation Orientation Coordinator know ASAP so she can ensure you are scheduled for separate sessions. Please call 503-373-4467.

Current List of Court Approved Mediators (Please note that the court only approves mediators based on successful completion of minimum qualifications.)

Online Legal Service Postings

Postings on this site are currently limited to family law cases. You must get an order from a judge that allows you to post online by submitting an Alternative Service Packet.

To find a case you may search the notices by name or case number. You can view a document by clicking on the document title.

If you have questions about a notice, please contact Marion County Circuit Court Family Law Department  503-373-4349.​