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Forms for Enforcement

Brief descriptions of content are provided to help you decide which packet you may wish to use. The descriptions are not intended to provide you with complete information about the law or court procedure involved in each packet. For more information, please consult with an attorney.

This page contains many forms that are specific for the Clackamas County Circuit Court.

Note: If there are two versions of any form, select the Clackamas version.
IMPORTANT: The Temporary Emergency Custody (Pre-Judgment) and Temporary Emergency Custody (Post-Judgment) packets below must be completely filled out and filed in-person at the courthouse, at the Ex Parte Matters court session at 1:00 PM. Please continue reading below for further information about ex parte.

Ex parte matters will be heard Monday through Friday, excluding legal state holidays and any day on which a court is closed by order of the Presiding Judge or the Chief Justice. Ex parte matters will be heard at 1:00 P.M in the courtroom designated on the court’s docket to hear these matters. The Ex Parte Matters session is scheduled to end at 1:15 P.M. and parties or attorneys arriving after that time will not be heard unless permitted by the designated judge. 

Parenting Plan Enforcement (Oregon and Out-of-State Orders)

If you have a signed, valid court order or judgment that establishes parenting time, and if the order is being violated by the other parent, you may request enforcement of this order or judgment.

NOTE:  If you are seeking to enforce an out-of-state parenting time judgment or order, you may also need to complete the forms in the packet for Registration of out-of-state Custody and Parenting Time Judgments.

Enforcement of Custody (Oregon and Out-of-State Orders/Judgments)

If you are the party who is legally entitled to the physical custody of a child (you have a valid, current order or judgment stating so), and the child is being held by another person in substantial violation of the custody order/judgment, you may use this packet. This packet allows you to request that the judge sign an order of assistance. If the judge signs the order, a law enforcement agency in the county where the child is located will be directed to pick up the child and deliver the child to you.  Check with the law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction where child pick-up will occur to see if there is a fee for the child pick-up.

NOTE:  If you are seeking to enforce an out-of-state custody order/judgment, you may also need to complete the forms in the packet for Registration of Out-of-State Custody and Parenting Time Judgments.

This packet is to enforce physical custody, and cannot be used to enforce parenting time ORS 107.437(5). If parenting time is being violated, use the Parenting Time Enforcement packet above. If you have any doubt about the right to custody, you may wish to seek legal advice.

Registration of Out-of-State Custody and Parenting Time Judgments

This packet applies when you want to enforce either a parenting time or custody order or judgment that was entered in another state. If the out-of-state order or judgment is still in effect (not changed or vacated), you may use this packet to have the order or judgment "registered" and "confirmed" in an Oregon court. In most cases, you will want to complete this process before using the other packets to request enforcement.

NOTE:  This packet registers custody and parenting time ONLY. It does NOT register child support. You should seek the help of the Oregon Child Support Program to register a child support order from another state. 

Contempt of Court

Remedial Contempt - Requesting Party:
This packet can be used when a party has failed to comply with (obey) an order or judgment of the court. The packet is for “remedial” sanctions only; it does not include a request to put the other party in jail for violating an order. This is also NOT to be used to enforce child support awards or custody or parenting time orders. If you have child support enforcement issues, contact the Oregon Division of Child Support. If you have custody or parenting time enforcement issues, see the other enforcement packets on this web page.

Remedial Contempt - Responding Party:
This packet can be used if you are listed as the Defendant in a remedial contempt case, and want to file a written response to the Motion against you. You MUST also personally appear at the hearing that has been scheduled. Failure to appear at the scheduled court appearance may result in a warrant issued for your arrest.

**Whenever there is a state and local version of the same form-please select LOCAL**

"What to Do if Child Support or Spousal Support (Alimony) is not being paid."