If you are the party who is legally entitled to the physical custody of a child (you have a valid, current order or judgment stating so), and the child is being held by another person in substantial violation of the custody order/judgment, you may use this packet. This packet allows you to request that the judge sign an order of assistance. If the judge signs the order, a law enforcement agency in the county where the child is located will be directed to pick up the child and deliver the child to you. Check with the law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction where child pick-up will occur to see if there is a fee for the child pick-up.
NOTE: If you are seeking to enforce an out-of-state custody order/judgment, you may also need to complete the forms in the packet for Registration of Out-of-State Custody and Parenting Time Judgments.
This packet is to enforce physical custody, and cannot be used to enforce parenting time
ORS 107.437(5). If parenting time is being violated, use the Parenting Time Enforcement packet above. If you have any doubt about the right to custody, you may wish to seek legal advice.